Chapter 12

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Nevaeh POV

We charged the Uruk-Hai ranks with the elves, and they lowered their spears. As we hit the ranks, I swung my sword to move a spear so I didn't get skewered. I saw Aragorn to the same and I smiled. Ibthought back to when he taught me sword fighting. Before I could dwell on the memory, a searing pain went up my leg.

Aragorn POV

I saw her leg get slashed with an Uruk-Hai sword. My heart dropped and I fought my way to her. She cried out in pain and fell. As soon and I got to her I hauled her up, which unfortunately put weight on her leg and she cried out again. "Clear a path!!" I yelled, and the elven army complied. They fought to give us a somewhat safe exit. I pulled her around a corner where there was no fighting, and it was hidden so she would be safe. She was biting her lip to keep from moaning in pain. I gently touched her leg and she whimpered. "I have to look at the wound." I told her. Fear filled her eyes, but she nodded. I cut her leggings more so I could get better access to the gash. It wasn't terribly deep, but it had cut through several layers of muscle and was slowly seeping blood. I touched it and she yelped in pain. I ripped off part of my tunic and wrapped it around her leg. I noticed she was crying. My heart broke to see her crying and in so much pain. "We need to get you somewhere safe." She nodded. I wrapped my arm around her waist and helped her stand up. She gritted her teeth but didn't utter a word. We stumbled together towards the great hall. I kept my sword in hand and killed any Uruk-Hai in my way. When we got to the great hall, I noticed that behind me, Legolas was forcibly dragging Gimli. Legolas's eyes grew wide when he saw the blood slowly pooling on the floor beneath Nevaeh. Her head was slumped and she was trying hard not to pass out.

Gimli and I went out to buy Theoden some time. I had to throw him, to my great enjoyment. We fought off a good many Uruk-Hai on the Causeway before Legolas threw us a rope and got us out. We made it back to the main hall to see one of Theodens guards trying to stop the bleeding on Nevaehs leg. She bit her lip and looked at me, tears in her eyes. I quickly strode over to her. "I'll take it from here." I told the guard. He nodded and left. I sat down next to her. "Its alright. Its alright. I'm here." She tried to smile but couldn't. "What can man do against such reckless hate?" Theoden said. I stood up. "Ride with me." Theoden looked at me. "Yes." (I don't remember what exactly he says so oh well) Nevaeh stood up, with some difficulty, but she stood up. "Aragorn, your sun is rising." I looked at the parapet window.


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