Chapter 2

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Time set to the Council

Nevaeh POV

A lot of people have gathered to talk about what will be done about the ring. There were several dwarves one of which was named Gimli, the Mirkwood Prince, Legolas, Boromir, the steward of Gondor's son, Aragorn, myself and many others. I kept my hood up, I didn't want anyone to know who I was. Elrond started the council by calling Frodo to bring the Ring forward. He placed it on a round stone table in the middle of us all. Elrond stated that the Ring must be destroyed. "Well, what are we waiting for?" The dwarf named Gimli said, and with that he brought his ax down hard on the Ring. The ax shattered, sending splinters flying everywhere, a large splinter embedding itself in my arm. I gasped and stared at my arm. Elrond started talking about how the Ring must be taken to Mordor, and an angumemt broke out. I didn't really pay attention to any of that because Aragorn saw the metal in my forearm and gently took hold of my arm in one hand, and the splinter in another. I bit my lip and looked at him. He looked at me with gentle eyes and pulled the splinter out. I gasped again and it started to bleed more. Aragorn tore part of his shirt and wrapped it around my arm. "There." He said with a soft smile. "Thank you." I whispered. Then we heard Frodo say he would take to Ring to Mordor, but he didn't know the way. Aragorn stood up. "You have my sword." Legolas moved so he stood beside Aragorn. "And you have my bow." He said. Gimli snorted. "And my ax!" Boromir turned to Frodo. "You have my allegiance." He said. I stood up to stand next to Aragorn. "You carry the fate of us all little one." I said with a smile. Pippin, Merry and Sam burst thru the bushes "Your not going anywhere without us!" They cried. Gandalf chuckled. "So be it. Ten companions. You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring." Elrond proclaimed. Boromir turned to me. "And who exactly are you? He demanded. I turned to Boromir and took off my hood. He took a step back, shocked. "you do not look like an elf yet you have their ears!" Legolas looked at me. "You are half elf, aren't you?" He asked. I nodded. Legolas smiled. "It is good to know I have some kin on this journey." I smiled. I knew I had just found a great friend. Boromir, however, stared at me with disgust. "A half-breed!" He fairly snarled. Aragorn put his arm around me protectively. "She is the finest Ranger I have ever known." He defended. "You would do well to respect her." Boromir still glared daggers at you.

Time set to departure

"Well Gandalf, here we go!" You said with a smile. Gandalf looked down at you and laughed. "Yes little one, here we go!"

Boromir POV

I watched in disgust as Gandalf talked to that half-breed. "He should not let that thing come. It shouldn't even exist." I snarled. Gimli beside me snorted. "Lad, I believe her name is Nevaeh. I rather like the lassy!" I growled. Who no one side with me? That thing needed to be exterminated.

Nevaeh POV

I glanced over at Boromir. "Dont worry about him, small one, he will come around." Gandalf told me. I smiled weakly at him. "Somehow I doubt that Gandalf. Where is Aragorn?" Gandalf shrugged. "Off saying his goodbyes to the Lady Arwen most likely." Then he saw the look of sadness on my face and leaned down to me and whispered "dont worry small one, he will come around too." I smiled weakly at Gandalf. "Ah! Little one there you are!" I heard Aragon's voice. I smiled. He gave me that nickname years ago because I barely came to his chin. "Aragorn! We're ready to depart we were just waiting on you your lazyness!" He laughed. "Well let us be off then!"

Time set to Crebain from Dunland

I watched as Boromir sparred with the hobbits, except for Frodo. The hobbits cried "FOR THE SHIRE!!" and tackled Boromir. I had to smile, the hobbits were quite comical. I noticed Legolas staring off into the distance. "Havo dad, Legolas?" (What is it Legolas?) I asked. He squinted. "Im not sure. It appears to be a cloud." "But its moving against the wind!" Gimli said. Legolas' eyes went wide. "Crebain from Dunland! Take cover!" We all scrambled to find cover, but I just stood there, frozen.

Aragorn POV

She didn't move. She was frozen. I looked in desperation at the Crebain that were nearing. I biy my lip and jumped out from under my bush. I grabbed her around her waist and hauled her back under my bush. Her eyed were wide with shock, and I knew why. When she had been with us for a few years, she was attacked by Crebain while walking in a field. That was why she froze up. She stared at me with tears welling up in her eyes. "Thank you." She whispered. I nodded. She knew that I understood. The Crebain passed and we all got out of our hiding spots. I saw Boromir stalking towards her as she was moving to get some of her belongings that she dropped when I grabbed her. I looked away for one second before I heard the resounding smack of flesh on flesh, her frightened cry as she fell over. Damn him. She was already terrified and he had to go hit her. I ran towards her. "You worthless thing!!" Boromir bellowed. As he raised his hand to hit her again. Legolas caught his fist and subdued him I knelt down to where she lay, tears in her eyes and a red blotch across the left side of her face. I gently put my arms under her and helped her stand up and held her snugly to my side protectively. Let's face it. I care about this girl. But I love Arwen. "She almost gave us away!!" Borormir bellowed, fighting against Legolas, who subdued him easily without even messing up a single hair on his head.

Nevaeh POV

I watched as Boromir fought to get at me again. Aragorn sheltered me in his side as he yelled at Boromir. Gandalf walked over to me. "The Ring is trying to take over his mind." Gandalf whispered to me and he touched my cheek and it healed. "Let us move on. Our passage to the south is being watched. We will take the mountain pass." Gandalf said. I shuddered. Snow. I hated snow.


That was what I was thinking as I trudged thru waist deep snow. Legolas walked easily on top, being a fullblooded elf and all. "There is a fell voice in the air!" Legolas cried. "Look out!" Boromir yelled. A loud crack of lightning and the rock above of gave way, and we dodge the falling chunks. "Hes trying to bring down the mountain!!" Aragorn cried. Gandalf chanted spells to try and fight Sarumans magic, but it didn't do diddly squat. Another crack of lightning and then we were all covered in snow. I tried to fight against the snow, but I needed air. I heard a voice crying out my name, then nothing.

Aragorn POV

Where was Nevaeh? "Nevaeh!!" I shouted, digging thru the snow. "Nevaeh!!" "I've got her." Legolas said. He was holding her in his arms, limp and unconscious. I felt relief surge thru me. "She passed out from lack of air but she will be alright. I'll carry her you have the hobbits to take care of." I nodded gratefully to him. Frodo decided we would go thru the Mines of Moria. Gandalf and I knew that it was a bad idea, but it was Frodos decision, he made it, and we would follow him.

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