“This Blessed shows you his gratitude,” The King turned to go, having obtained the information he needed. “You will be duly rewarded.”

The next moment, he was gone and Thelma collapsed into her chair, a goofy smile on her face as she gently traced her warm lips with the pads of her fingers.

He always did this to her, his presence made her lose her inhibitions and she could never say no to him, no matter what he asked.

It was love after all.


Tyler was bored out of his mind.

Creole was the best hacker he knew, and by extension, Tyler was miles out of his league.

When he got into the zone, the only one who could keep pace with him was Mikel.

At first when the hacker had been retrieving the files the programmers of the gaming company had deleted from Mikel’s account, Tyler had been able to keep up, a little bit of relief showing on his face as the email Sean had sent to Mikel came up on the big screen.

Creole kept it aside for later, taking note of the number Mikel must have called. It seemed he was a step closer to uncovering Nuroh’s conspiracies. Now however Tyler sat quietly, sorting through old emails as Tony worked his magic.

“Whatever this guys are hiding, it must be very important. Getting through their encryptions is almost impossible. Look how long it’s taking me to find a back door,” he griped as he made hacking seem exactly the opposite, decoding the machine language that appeared on the screen rapidly.

“That’s why I came to you,” Tyler replied even though Creole had been talking to nobody in particular. “Are you planning to let me down?”

“Not exactly…” Creole muttered distractedly, staring at the screen. “I found a backdoor but I need a password.”

“Try No Blessed,” Tyler suggested, looking up from his phone.

“It’s wrong,” Creole said briskly after a minute and wheeled his chair halfway around to face them. “Can you think of anything else?”

Tyler paused in thought. The password could be anything thing at all, from Sean’s middle name to the name of a Nigerian city. He didn’t think Sean was predictable.

“Can’t you get in without the password?” Tyler queried, leaning back. “After all you’ve never had any problem hacking into my bank accounts.”

“I’ve known you for years, you’re too easy to read.” Creole took on a fake whiny voice “Hacking is hard, this could take hours, don’t you know that?”

After approximately twelve minutes, Creole turned to Tyler victoriously. “I’m in.”

“Hours huh?” Tyler mocked as he came closer to the computer. “It’s a wonder you were so good in math.”

On the screen there was a number of files, hundreds in fact, all with a number to indicate the file name.

“What is this?” Creole murmured under his breath as he took in the sheer number of files.

“I’ve no idea,” Tyler replied in wonder as the cursor moved about. “The filing system is kind of weird.”

“Let’s check out this one,” Creole said as he clicked on a file labelled ‘V103’. Inside were a few video and audio file as well as several charts and documents labelled ‘Status Reports’. Creole clicked on one of the videos.

For a few seconds, a blue circle indicated the file was loading.

When it finally played, it was undeniable evidence against Nuroh Inc. and its owners.

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