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The instructor, Irina was her name, watched as tiny bowls containing a viscous liquid were distributed to all the apprentices in her class, by some helpers before starting the class.

“What is in front of you is a common yet dangerous poison known as Gar,” she began, her voice prim. “Although one of the most well-known poisons, Gar is untreatable using herbs and is tasking for healers to treat. Therefore in my class, you will build a resistance to it by consuming it in small doses in every class.”

Deathly silence fell upon the class, then a purple skinned fauna with pointed ears raised her hand, “What if we suffer from its poison?”

“The doses are such that you may experience extreme discomfort but not death,” Irina said airily. “If you do die from such a miniscule amount, then you were never meant to graduate. Begin.”

Reluctantly, the students picked up their bowls, with the braver ones swallowing the poison immediately. Mikel stared at his, watching the slushy substance closely.

It was disgusting and already he could sense his gag reflexes reacting to the smell of it alone. Before he could embarrass himself, he forced himself to swallow the stuff.

The bitterness of the semi liquid literally punched him in the gut and he fell to the floor, gasping like a fish who'd been caught by a bait. It was as if there was something physical moving inside his stomach and he bit his tongue painfully,  trying not to scream.

He wasn’t the only one. There was pandemonium in Irina’s class as apprentices screamed and rolled on the floor as their bodies digested the poison. She scoffed at them. “Don’t be so dramatic. This will only last for a few hours.”

Seeing as nobody was listening to her, she shook her head, “Erynla be praised this is the last class of the day.”


The door opened and Mikel’s worn face was enough to tell his story as he entered his dorm.

“You took Gar for the first time, didn’t you?” Victoria said in her childish voice as Mikel stumbled to his bed and buried his face in his pillow.

“Gar?” Eric asked as he looked up from a book, taken aback. “Are you trying to kill yourself?”

Mikel muttered something inaudibly to his roommates.

“Mikel’s taking the study of Mystical Flora. Gar is poison found in many of the plants discussed so apprentices in this class have to consume a vial of Gar every lesson,” Victoria explained to Eric. She got up and went to Mikel’s side, patting his back sympathetically.

“You’ll feel better later,” she crooned. “I nearly died taking Gar my first time too.”

“Are you guys crazy or something?” Eric asked incredulously. “Why would take a class that makes you drink poison?”

“I didn’t know!” Mikel wailed loudly, regaining strength for a moment before collapsing into bed again.

Victoria patted his back again as he let out a muffled, “I’m going to die.”

Eric laughed teasingly, “Glad I’m not in there with you.”

Victoria turned on him suddenly, “You’re taking Enchantment Attunement aren’t you?”
“Yes,” Eric nodded, his chest puffy with pride at the question. “What about it?”

With an evil smile, she replied, “soon, they’ll take away your magic and force you to fight against low level monsters as a test. Good luck.”

Eric blinked. “You couldn’t have told me that when I was picking the subject?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll comfort you too. You are my minions after all.”

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