Aftermath/House violence

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Jinx POV

We were all celebrating, Offenda broke out the drinks, Splenda was making food, Slenda and Tenda brought some speakers and we started karaokeing. I, being 16, decided not to drink. Clockwork, Slenda, the Sega team, and my herd however said 'fuck it lets have a drinking contest!' leaving no one guarding the place other than me and Gunner. Gunner went back to her tower, Alduin was hunting, Odahviing was on the nearby mountain, and Paarthurnax was asleep next to the mansion. I was flying 40 meters away from the house flying in a large circle around the house. I thought nothing could go wrong if it was just me so I commed Gunner

Jinx: *chk* Gunner, I've got this, go have fun, over *chk*

Gunner: *chk* Copy that, heading in, over *chk*

Jinx: Good

I said to myself. Gunner went inside and I landed on the ground. I pulled out my phone and called Victor. I pulled out my phone and dialed his number. 2 rings later he answered.

Victor: Jinx ma man, need more potions?

Jinx: Victor, wassup. Nah man I just need to know the effects and side effects of the Gallus Gallus Verdadero Finito cause I'm in the middle of a mini war against the supernatural.

Victor: Effects, increased stamina, strength, magic, size and smarts. It last for a month. Also gives a boost of confidence. Side effects, increased confidence, lust, and you'll be hard even when not aroused so. Yeah.

Jinx: Yikes. Damn. Got any armour or more potions?

Victor: There's the Felix Felicis that I gave you and a new one I call Musicality. There are many I haven't named yet as well. Come over and see them.

Jinx: Right, be there in 5.

I then ran in the houst and shouted


Jess, Jane, Liu, and Cleo: ME!

Jinx: You're on guard duty. Gunner, still sober?

Gunner: Enough.

Jinx: Good, I'll be back in a few.

I then teleported to my family's house. I knocked on the door and waited. My grampa opened the door and invited me in with a hug.

EGA: ¿Que onda nieto?

Jinx: No mucho. Where's Victor?

EGA: Upstairs waiting for you.

Jinx: Okay, be right back. Also I have a gift for you.

I said going upstairs. I found Victor's door and knocked. Victor opened it told me to come in and we sat down. After 3 hours he gave me a chest full of potions. I then opened a portal to a rooster fighting arena and stole an Asil-Kelso rooster, and left $50,000 in it's stead. I then walked downstairs, to my grampa and said

Jinx: Here ya go Gramps.

EGA: Es un Asil-Kelso?

Jinx: Si.

EGA: Ha! I still got it!

Jinx: Yep, es un pollito, entrenalo y alimentalo.

EGA: Mother fucker I know how to raise a god damn chicken!

We just laughed and told jokes back and forth till my phone rang

Jinx: Yello?

Slenda: Get your ass back here now we're under attack and half the mansion is drunk!

Jinx: On my way!

I teleported back to the mansion my armour levitating towards me first the crossbow, I jumped and did a flip catching the crossbow on my fore arm. A mountain Wendigo jumped at me and I cut it's head off with the cross bow. My boots came flying at me so I kicked off my tennis shoes and jumped landing on my hands so the boots would land on my feet they were flying down so I pushed up doing a flip landing on my feet I fired a stream of arrows from the crossbow hitting 10 Wendigos in the head. I saw my M10 coming down so I caught it and fired at the crowd of Wendigos mowing them down. I caught a magazine that came flying at me and reloaded my gun. Suddenly something jumped on my back. It wrapped it's arms and legs around me, I could feel two soft spheres pressed against my back. I also felt sharp class around me. I knew exactly who it was so I fell backwards onto my attacker crushing her. She let out a yelp of pain and I got up putting my hand up my shot gun landing in it I pulled a dragon's breath shell out put it in the gun and cocked it pointing it at her. I heard the battlefield quiet down. I pushed a button that shortened the barrel by splitting it at the tip turning it into a sawed off. I grabbed her arm and pulled her up, when she was standing up I grabbed her hair and pointed the gun at her.

Jinx: I know you understand me, tell your soldiers to leave now or feel the fire of a dragon.

The girl tried to look at me and swung but I ducked and upper cutted her grabbing her hair as she fell. I picked her up and she screeched at me. I put the barrel to her head and shouted

Jinx: Call them off NOW!

She gulped and did as I asked hissing and then growling they left Immidiatly except for the Mooseheaded one, he just bared his teeth and growled. The girl then let out a panicked yelp since I tightened my grip on her hair. He then turned and ran to the woods. I then put my shotgun on safe and dragged her to the house. I took her to my room and threw her on the bed. The ponies who were scattered around the room just stared.

Jinx: AJ, rope, now.

AJ: Uum, here ya go?

I then jumped into the bed and tied her hands and legs to the bed posts.

Jinx: She'll be cold, cover her up.

I then left the room and went downstairs to have a drink. I walked downstairs and found a bottle of Tequila, it was fresh, it hadn't been opened yet. I opened it and started chugging it down. I stopped and looked at the bottle. I had drank a fifth in that one chug. I turned around and saw that the 2 other alcoholic drinks that were there were now missing. I thought nothing of it and continued to go outside. I then heard what I believe is laughing.

???: Kekekekeke

I used a through your eyes spell to see what this mystery person saw. I saw the top of my head. I threw a smoke ball that let out a cloud of smoke. I then grabbed my shotgun and fired up. I heard a cry of pain, feminine, adult. Then I heard a female voice with an Asian accent say

???: What the fuck is wrong with you!?

Slenda then teleported in, barely able to stand, and grabbed this intruder. It was a woman in a black jacket, black jeans, black shoes, a half black, half white mask, and a black and grey striped scarf. It was Kagekao. She was like a mother to me when I was growing up. I was kicked out when Zalga sexually assaulted me and failed. Using the knowledge she gave me I survived.

Jinx: Slenda, let her go, NOW.

I said as menacingly as I could.

Slenda: Jinx, this is one of our worst enemies.

Jinx: ReLeAsE mY StEpMoThEr!¡!

I shouted pointing my shotgun at her. I cocked it and put my finger on the trigger. I proceeded to slowly apply pressure. When I decided to shoot however a hatchet hit the barrel of it and I missed my shot and lit up the wall leaving Slenda's coat lightly singed on the right. I looked to my left and caught a knife that flew at me then I heard a gun go off. Time slowed down as the bulled the width of a shooter marble and the length of a pencil flew towards me. The next thing I know a portal opens and out flies Celestia, holding Chrysalis, holding Luna, holding Applejack, holding Noni. The took the bullet for me. It went into Noni and moved a bit to the left with her, then it enters Applejack moving to the left a bit more, and it continued so as my shield of ponies flew past me taking the bullet meant for me. I was suddenly full of rage and now levitating I went into a new alternate form now having 4 wings and a long tail with a sharp end. My head now had 3 horns, one on the left one on the right, and one long straight one in the middle. My hair grew longer and was now past my feet. A pair of pony ears appearing on my head. When the transformation was complete I looked at the CPs with hate and began to attack using my tail I stabbed Slenda in the chest, a wound that Ann could heal. I then shouted at them


Knocking them down I then grabbed Gunner, Kagekao, my ponies, the prisoner, and left teleporting to an abandoned town within the forest.

Jinx the killerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang