Returning like The Rock

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When I woke up I was in a pitch black room tied to a chair. So I decided to let out a shockwave of air capable of throwing a motorcycle. And I heard something hit the wall and then a whimper that sounded like a dog. Jinx: Smiles? Did Slenda catch us.?

Smile dog: of course not silly why do u think we're still alive? I summoned a shifter and turned him into a ball of light. And then I saw a human looking version of Smile dog.

(Not a perv just couldn't find anything else)

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(Not a perv just couldn't find anything else)

I broke the chain by summoning my armour

(Used for scouting, spying, and turning invisible. Weapons plasma blast, S.W.A.R.M. missile launcher.)

Smile dog jumped back and I unsummoned my armour. It turned into two gloves and boots.

I walked around not knowing where I was. All I knew was that I was in someone's basement and I was less than happy. Jinx: “ Well if slenda didn't catch us where are we, and why do you look … humanoid?” Smiles: “ We are in mistress Zalga’s mansion. And I can change my physical appearance.” Jinx: “Oh who is Zalga?”

S.D.: “ She is my master”

Jinx:”So she is this places Slenda huh?”

Suddenly I was hit with the force of a truck. It was the notorious Zero and her war hammer.

Zero:”Do not compare the mistress to that bitch!!!” I, not in the mood to fight, telekinetically threw her against the wall and used the people's elbow on her.

(  I LOVE The Rock. Families favorite wrestler.)

I'm not even sure where the ropes came from. I felt something cold around my neck it was another scythe.

Scaria: “Good prisoners stay in their chains”

Jinx” Well I'm about as hard headed as a bull( I'm a Taurus ♉ too XD.). So the likelihood of me staying in those chains are negative 100%.”

Once again I was hit with a hammer. Before hitting the floor I scanned the room and saw heat signatures everywhere. They were all here. I used another shock wave this time strong enough to toss a Freightliner truck. I jumped through the roof of the basement to see mutant humans scattered around the room. I ran past them and out the door. I called out

Jinx: Od Ah Viing ( Skyrim reference lol.)


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Odahviing: You called, old friend?

Jinx: No time to explain but we have to leave now!

Odahviing: Let's not waste any time.

And with that we left. While we were in the sky I could see the forest for miles. We stopped 15 minutes later at a large clearing that had a lake, deer, rabbits, ducks, geese, swans, peacocks, turtles, and tortoises. It was beautiful. Odahviing hovered about a hundred yards away from it. I jumped off his back thanked him and headed toward the clearing and called out

Jinx: Raan Mir Tah. All of the animals formed a circle around me. Including some I didn't see like bears, bobcats, snakes, wolves, coyotes, and some birds of prey. The fanned out and were looking out for the CPs while I rested a bit. I waited around an hour till I heard a twig snap. I turned around and saw offenda.

Offenda: oh so you're the one who escaped.

Jinx: …

Offenda: Not talking? Maybe this'll help~? 

She asked throwing off her trench coat.

Me, being a good boy looked away.

Offenda: What's the matter. Should I give u a flower first?

She offered a bouquet of Red, Blue, Green, and Dark Red roses.
???: That's enough!
I turned to see Slenda.
I summoned my battle armour

( I know it's War Machine 😂

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( I know it's War Machine 😂. Feel free to judge)

Slenda: Calm down calm down
Offenda: This'll do the trick!
She held out a Red Rose.
Slenda: NO!
Too late offenda used it... I couldn't move... I felt... Lust flow through my veins... But I prepared Incase of this. I had made a few Blue Roses beforehand a couple years ago. I pulled one out used it. And then I shot Offenda in the leg. She cried out in pain. So I punched her by wall jumping off some trees and then using gravity to fly down.
Jinx: Zorra
Slenda: Jinx calm down
Jinx: Why? Both sides have almost killed me in the month and a half I've been here.
Slenda: I know.. I came here to apologise
Jinx: apologize?
Slenda: yes. We need you back if we're going to win this war... the war against Zalga.
Jinx: So that's why you hate smiley
Slenda: Yes
Jinx: I accept but I'm in charge of fighting, punishment and rules.
Slenda: *sigh* Fine. Granted to you. I'll let the others know
Jinx: Good now, let me drive the bus.
Slenda looked unamused
I just checked picked up offenda and teleported us back. On my arrival Jess punched me tackled me and threatened to cut my dick off if I left again. I was agitated so I tossed her and locked in a rock bottom.

She was surprised but not down.
Me deciding to be an asshole decided to put her In a
sharp-shooter hold till she begged for me to let go.
Slenda: Was that punishment?
Jinx: No just a return attack.
Jess then drop kicked me causing me to fall and her to have the high ground. She was going to deliver an axe-kick but I rolled to the side kick up landed and hit her with a left hook, kick to the knee, uppercut, palm strike to the chest, head but, grabbing her hair and slamming my knee into her nose, and finally delivering a roundhouse kick to the head. Jess collapsed and Ann rushed in to help.
Jinx: That was punishment.
Slenda: Listen up everyone Jinx is now in charge of Rules, Fighting, and Punishment. What he says in these 3 fields goes.
Offenda: Even rape?
Slenda Yes, even rape
Offenda: I'm going to enjoy this.
Jinx: Yeah that won't happen
All but Offenda: *sigh of relief*
Offenda: damn
Jinx: For now~.
All but Offenda: *gasp*
Offenda: I will misbehave frequently~.
Jinx: I could always punish you like I did Jess.
Offenda: oh
Jinx: now listen up I have a list of rules
1. Do not contradict a direct order from me.
2: Do not physically fight unless given permission.
3 You can only kill a maximum 20 people a month... each
4 Do not intentionally piss me off.

Jinx: rule 4 is for your safety. Now everyday ant 6:45pm I will be in the gym if you want to train or spar with me. First order: do not kill smile dog. Final warning. Now... run along children, Ann meet me in my room later, after you're done checking on Jess. There's something I need to talk to you about. Then I teleported upstairs.

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