The Choice

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Kagekao POV

I could feel that my wound had healed and that I was stronger. I felt better than before, healthier. I got up and stretched while Jinx left to check on his other patients.

Jinx POV

I left the room and let mom change while I checked on my ponies.

Jinx: Hey chiquitas. How are you all doing? Are you okay? Any pain?

AJ: I'm good. Mostly.

Noni: Never better!

Chrysalis: I'm confused, shouldn't we be dead?

Luna: Same. Will I still be able to reproduce? It hit my womb area, along with much of my naval.

Celestia: Same. I'm ok though, I think.

Jinx: The potion I used healed your wounds completely and has improved your body. You will notice the effects soon enough. It will make your physical strength double along with raising your magic level. I have to go speak to my mom. I'll be back. Just click the red button if you need anything. I turned to leave and heard my phone ding. Noni clicked the button. I turned around walked to her and said

Jinx: Yes?

Wordlessly she jumped up and hugged me. I hugged her back and kissed her forehead. I decided I'm already here so I might as well. I have them all their hugs and kisses and thanked them for taking a bullet for me. Literally. I left to go check on my mom. I walked to her room and saw her looking out the window and so I called her over

Jinx: Mama.

Kagekao: Jinx.

Jinx: Look, I know you're with Zalga, and that I'm with Slenda but we can leave them both. We can stay here, be our own group. We can be a family again.

Kagekao: I want to but Zalga is my mistress. I cannot just leave her. If I did she would kill me, make you watch, kill the others, make you watch and then kill you. It wouldn't be good for either of us.

Jinx: Oh, I see. I understand your concern but knowing Zalga, she has done nothing but sit on her throne and wait. This means she has not trained at all for almost 9 years. I have trained and have a potion supplier.... *sigh* She also killed my dad.

Kagekao: My son, I know that you hate her and that she isn't the best of entities but give her a second chance. She has changed. Her daughters are your age so you could have someone to relate to.

Jinx: They are the spawn of the one who tried to rape me, kidnapped me, killed my dad, and is now after me and my 'friends'. I would most likely take my hate out on them. If I remember correctly Lazari is easily hurt, stripes is full of herself and the oldest already left home.

Kagekao: How did you know she left?

Jinx: I tried to return and she attacked me. She pinned me to a tree and tried to choke me to death. She changed her mind last minute and left. She left the forest.

Kagekao: Please just stay for a week. If you still believe it won't work then you can leave. I won't be able to leave with you but I can come visit.

I sighed and turned to the wall.

Jinx: I'll think about it. Maybe I will but I have to get my thoughts straight.

I said walking away. I climbed out of a window and Freeran to the roof. When I got to the roof I stretched my wings and flapped them repeatedly to exercise them. I decided to just stand watch and listen to make sure my minicity was safe.

1 hour 28 minutes later

I decided to check on my prisoners again. I jumped off of the roof and decided to glide to the prison. I tucked and rolled through the doorway and saw that the Rake was now awake and hanging from the pull up bar.

Jinx the killerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz