Induction and abduction.

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Top image is shifter.

My name is Jinx. I'm a killer. Well I guess you're wondering how I started, when I was born I was… different. I had rather strange eyes that didn't look the same. One was completely black with rings. The other was the exact opposite, white with black rings. I am also mentally unstable due to a birth defect. I always liked knifes. I learned to make them because of my grampa. At some point I brought one to school with me. I can also use Magic to manipulate the universe around me, it's a family thing. And then the bullies arrived.

B1: “Hey you! Get over here”

B2: “Yeah! Hand over your backpack and no one ge-”

That is when it kicked in. The Zam'Luna Curse.cSick of their crap I pulled my knife from my sleeve and charged at him screaming.

Jinx: “AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!”

B1: “What the fu-.”

I stabbed him in the arm. Then I turned to the other and stabbed him in the shoulder. Everyone was screaming and I was tackled by at least 7 kids from the football team. My knife was taken and I was suspended. But I managed to snatch my knife on the way out. As you would guess the bullies wanted revenge so while walking to the store I was ambushed.

B2: “Ha got you now A-hole.”

B1: “What you thought though you could get away with it didn't ya? Well it's payback time!”

They beat the crap out of me. That's when phase 2 of the curse kicked in. I pulled my knife and gutted one and slit the others throat. Then I ran home. Someone must have seen the killing and called my parents who called the police cause the cops were at my house and tried to grab me but I ran. My parents didn't help me so I was on my own. Over the years I killed 1,635 people. Made H. H. Holmes jealous. I am now 16 and you won't believe who I stumbled upon… Jess and Jane the killers. They were fighting so I shouted at them

Jinx: “HEY YOU TWO!”

They turned to me and I just said

Jinx: “ Jessica Woods and Jane Arkensaw!? Wow. It's an honor to meet two of the best killers in th-”

And that's when Jess threw her knife at me I lifted mine up and deflected it.

Jinx: “What the hell man.”

Jess: “What the hell do ya want sumbitch ”



Jinx: “Well you guys are my heroes! I came in and saw y'all  so i decided to say hi.”

Jess: Ugh I hate fanboys. And don't fucking mention my full name!”

Jane: “ Well at least not everyone hates me. Kinda nice to have a fan.”

Jinx: “So… I was wondering if you guys could take me to Slenda's mansion to meet the others.”

Jess & Jane busted out laughing.

Jane: Sorry kid but you wouldn't survive the night.”

Jess: “You'd be killed the second you walk through the door.”

Jinx: Heh thought you guys would say that. Well let's see if I can survive 5 seconds in the mansion.”

Jess: I guess it's worth a try.”

Jinx the killerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant