The Escape Plan/Meet The Fam

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Jinx over walkie talkie: Ok everyone begin phase one.

Sally: Alright moving in

Sally then began to shift into her 4 year old form and started to put fake blood on her.

Prison Personell POV
Correctional Officer/ C/O1: Somethings approaching from the West. Western tower be on the look out.

West tower: Copy that. Seems to be a child, Female. She's covered in... blood.

C/O1: 10-9?

W/T: She is covered in blood,I repeat 'She is covered in blood'.

C/O1: Shit. Bring her in and call a child psychologist. And a medic.

3rd person POV

Slenda teleported through the prison with her sisters to find Gallo. Sally sat in the break room telling a rehearsed story. Benny was waiting for the signal to release the prisoners. Jess was climbing over the wall. Jane and clockwork were waiting to distract the guards that were patrolling by car. Tammi and the others were in the woods waiting to attack and take down the guards when the doors opened again. Jinx was looking through the eyes of the Slender sisters and giving info to Sally for her story.

Jinx POV

Jinx: Alright that's him in cell G-47. Alright phase 2: Benny open all cells. Jess, Jane, Clocky, Take down the wall guards, Sally take down and tie up the cop, shrink, and medic. Slenders take down patrolling guards. Everyone else move in. Jane, Jess, Clocky get to Sally. East hall 2nd floor.

Jess and Jane: Clocky?

Everyone did as they were told. I hijacked the Com-system and told the prisoners

Jinx over Coms: Inmates, if you wanna be free head to the cafeteria and sit tight. I am breaking y'all out.

Shouts, and cheers were heard in response. I smiled. We rammed the gate down, and ran in every direction. We knocked out cops, and rounded up the criminals. Benny had also disabled the radios. No back up was coming. I got up on a makeshift stage made of tables.

Jinx: Prisoner 3949596 step forward.

An old man in his mid to late 50's stepped out.

EGA: Yo soy El Gallo Aguila. ¿Y vos quien eres?

Jinx: Soy el Gallo Panda.

EGA: ¿Mi nieto?

Jinx: Correcto Abuelo. I'm here to get you out.

EGA: Bueno let's not waste time. ¡Vamos!

Jinx: Inmates! You're now free. I've removed you from the database. Your records are cleared. Get jobs. And go home to your families. Dismissed.

The inmates ran faster than a propeller spins. I was happy. I had my Abuelo back. And I freed many men and women. Today was a good day. (A/N if u guess where this phrase comes from you get a cookie.) Now kids won't think their dads hooked up with a whore in the milk aisle. ,(A/N Italics are thoughts.) I was satisfied and decided on the best thing to do. Find my family. Take Grampa to them. Talk to them. Catch up. Leave. Stay with the CP's. It'll take a bit but it's a good bit.

EGA: So she you get an army for a harem?

Jinx: Grampa what the fuck is wrong with you!!??

All CP's: What the fuck?

EGA: Oh your still in the friend zone.

Jinx: Not even there yet. More like an nuisance.

EGA: Dang even I wasn't that slow. Look I just wanted to tell you :...

He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes saying

EGA: ... I want two great granddaughters and two great grandsons.

I was so damn embarrassed when I realized. The CP's were behind me.

Jess: Well we'll get there eventually sir.

Jane: I'll get there before her.

Jess: In your dreams.

Jane: One step ahead of you, as always.

Jess: Then how come I took you down?

Jane: You were stronger and more trained then. And less sane.

Jess and Jane continued arguing. I was standing there redder than oxygenated blood cell.

EGA: Welp, I'd say you're halfway there. I think we should go home. See if we can catch up with the others. Whaddya say hijo.

I decided if would be best if the CPs went home.

Jinx: Sounds good Grampa.

I teleported me and grams to my old house. My family was still there. Well most of it. Turns out dad was killed by a tall firey demon lady known as Zalga. She was equally as powerful as I was. My ma remarried. So I had 2 step sisters, and 1 new step brother. Yay. Sarcasm intended. I was confused to say the least. The girls were almost complete opposites. Twins can be weird huh? And the boy. He had what looked like military grade headgear. UV/Infrared goggles and such. He was wearing boots, jeans, black shirt, thick (possibly bulletproof) black jacket. He seemed to be an inventer, an engineer, scientist. He said he was also an alchemist. After hearing my code name Gallo Panda. Be gave me a potion. Be said it would help me. It's effects lasted for a week. He said it was Felix Felicis. He said a friend of his taught him to make it. He also gave me one called Gallus Gallus Verdadero Finito. He said only to use it when I got home. His name was Victor Powell. The girls were Yuri and Lexi Powell. They were tall. Easily 6,5 they had long braided hair that reached their waist. Yuri had black hair with a purple streak in it. Lexi had black hair with a golden streak in it. They were both visibly strong. They had a 4-pack that was easily visible from where I stood. Yuri seemed.... odd. She had a wild look in her eyes like a hyper puppy. Lexi seemed to be calm and observant like a scientist. Yuri wore a black shirt with with a black jacket that had purple stripes from it's shoulder to it's cuff and a hoodie and tailcoats. It was like a cloak. Lexi wore the same thing. Only in white and yellow. The boy, Victor, seemed unfriendly at first. But seemed happy to give me the potions. He said Yuri and Lexi were adopted. He said his dad didn't want them and I could have them. First I was confused till I realized. His dad and him were from another (unfortunately undisclosed) country where that was unfortunately allowed. Girls were treated like animals in a way. Ma greed with that. Damn. I accepted. Always nice to have an assistant. We talked a bit. The took Gramps in because a room opened up. Man. Today was eventful. I only had on question for the CPs.

Time skip 1 hour

Jinx: Jess, Jane... Were y'all just joking back at the penitentiary?

Words written 1131 see y'all next week.

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