Trial and error Pt. 1

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Many hours of driving later

Jinx: We're here.

I parked the car and got out with Kagekao. Zalga stood on her porch smiling.

Zalga: Welcome home.

Kagekao: Good to be back.

Jinx: Hmm.

Zalga: Jinx, aren't you happy to be back?

I just stared blankly at her not answering.

Kagekao: Jinx?

Jinx: Tell her our deal.

Kagekao: Right.

1 explanation later

Kagekao: Is this okay?

Zalga: Of course. He will have his own room in the basement. Hell, he can have the basement.

Jinx: And my herd?

Zalga: Herd?

I raised my hand and made a dog hand puppet and moved my wrist up and down. The door opened and Gunner jumped out motioning for the ponies to jump out of the car. They all got out and stood in a group with the Rake in the middle.

Jinx: This is my herd.

Zalga: I see. Are they house trained?

She asked jokingly.

Rarity: How dare you insinuate that we are stupid cre-

Jinx: Rarity. It's okay.

Zalga: They talk?

Jinx: All of them.

Zalga: Hmm. Interesting.

Jinx: Wanna hear a secret?

Zalga: Sure.

I walked up to her and she kneeled down to my eye level. I then head butted her and jumped on her. I bit into her neck and drank some of her blood. I then jumped backwards and landed with my ponies.

Zalga: My first hickey~

Jinx: Your blood tastes odd. Obviously not human.

Kagekao then slapped me.

Jinx: Ow.

Kagekao: Por que la mordistes?!

Jinx: Perdona me!

Kagekao: This better be the last time this happens

Jinx: No promises.

She hit me again.

Zalga: Enough. LAZARI!!!

Lazari: Yes mom?

Zalga: Take Jinx to the basement along with his, herd.

Lazari: Yes. Follow me please.

Jinx: Sorry about the incident.

Lazari: Incident?

Jinx: The dog. And the cat. And the snake. Oh and the tarantula. Oh and I can't forget the-

Lazari: I get it!

Jinx: Right.

Lazari: Now come on!

She shouted walking forward. She's obviously mad at me and will most likely attack in her 'Monster Form' as she put it. I really fucked her up. Even at 15 she was as innocent and kind as Fluttershy. Just adorable. Unfortunately I terrorized her with multiple animals, holograms, guns, power tools, machines, magic, etc. I decided I'd keep quiet and follow her from a distance.

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