CHAPTER 8 : A secret that shouldn't have been heard. (EDITED 06/22)

Start from the beginning

"And what are you going do if I don't do as you say, Taealha?" Enoria provoked with a smile on her face.

"Be careful, girl," Taealha threatened.

Enoria let out a small mocking laugh. "Or else what? Do you think you are actually scaring me?" she asked with an amused tone.

The two women looked at each other in the eyes. Taealha didn't like her, she was provocative, arrogant and way too self-confident to her taste. But at the same time, she couldn't help but recognise she was an interesting being, there was no fear in her eyes as if she knew perfectly what she was doing and she was curious about who the Igutu really was.

Enoria knew perfectly what kind of person Taealha was, that was why she also knew exactly how to annoy her. She was definitely having fun provoking her on purpose. She wasn't looking down on her, she wasn't stupid enough to do that, she was well aware of what Tagon's lover was capable of doing but what amused her was that Taealha had no idea what she was capable of.

"Enoria, leave, right now," Tagon interrupted again, making Taealha released her grip on the woman's wrist.

"As you wish. Tagon Niruha," Enoria replied with a serious voice as she bowed to Tagon. Then she turned to Taealha and bowed too, greeting her with a "Lady Taealha" that sounded respectful enough to her ears. Then she looked at Yangcha and bowed a little too, "Daekan."

Yangcha restrained himself from laughing at her way to tease him while Taealha sighed loudly as she understood Enoria was making fun of them again. 

"You don't have to do that with him," Tagon laughed slightly.

"Oh really? I don't know, I am just trying to be polite, you know," Enoria replied before she quickly left the room with a satisfied smile. She had barely managed to keep herself from laughing after meeting Yangcha's eyes.

"That girl seriously! Why do you let her act as she wants?" Taealha asked Tagon as soon as the door was closed, "she needs to learn where her place is."

"She is provoking you on purpose because it amuses her, can't you see that?" Tagon questioned, amused.

"You need to be stricter with her. The fact she is not afraid of us is dangerous."

"And what do you want me to do? She is a wolf," Tagon replied with an amused smile. He had told Taealha about the wolf tattoo on Enoria's ankle which was supposed to represent her and they both had agreed it suited her well.

"Yes, she is. A wild one. That's why we should tame her."

Under his mask, Yangcha smirked. Wolves couldn't be tamed. There was no way Tagon and Taealha could make Enoria an obedient puppy, she was a wild wolf, and nobody could ever tell her what to do. If she was obeying some of Tagon's orders at the moment, it was because she had a plan to use him, she followed the orders because she accepted, but Yangcha was sure she wouldn't hesitate to oppose if she disagreed with something. She didn't belong to anyone, she was free and she wouldn't let anyone take that away from her.

"Just let her be, she hadn't created problems so far," Tagon replied.

"Yet! She hasn't created problems yet, Tagon. Why are you being so reckless?"

"Well, she is entertaining," Tagon replied.

"You mean she is beautiful," she hissed.

"Is she? I didn't notice that."

They exchanged knowing smiles, they already had a similar conversation before. Enoria was a beautiful woman, only a fool would have said the opposite.

"That's because I am prettier," Taealha said with a smile.

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