Chapter 31- Miraxus

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Mira and Kinana were running from Laxus and Cobra when a bird started also chasing the girls and it lead to Mira dropping Kinana from the sky and Cobra catching her at ease. He brought her into a cave where they were going to spend the night in.

"You won't catch me, you can't fly" Mira tucked her tongue out at Laxus, he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, showing his muscles

"Yeah, yeah, Mirajane, keep on talking" Laxus said in a bored tone and mumbled under his breath, "I can't understand how I got the most difficult one honestly"

"I can hear you Laxus" Mira said in a venomous tone, "then if you don't wanna be difficult just let me take you" he shrugged

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before letting it out, she opened her eyes again and stared Laxus down

"I know your little tricks and I eon't let it get to me, I am still in control of my Satan form and I can turn into anyone I please to be"

"I can even turn into you and I will do it if it means you'll stop tormenting me" Mira said in a deep demonic voice

Laxus' face turned pale by her sudden warning towards him, he sweatdropped and looked away from her

"F-forgot I could do that" he said, visibly scared, Mira crossed her arms and smirked, "now, don't be scared because I can be scarier than this"

She turned back into her normal form and gave him a sweet, innocent smile, the size difference between the two was huge but Laxus didn't dare to take her after what had happened just now

"Now, why don't we head back to the guild?" She asked, Laxus looked away from her and "psh! Fine!" He answered, hiding his fear

Mira got down from the tree and Laxus followed her as they both walked back to the direction of the guild

It was silent that you could hear the trees leaves rustling when a light breeze came from besides them

Mira stared up at the sky, the stars creating a sparkle in her eyes, Laxus got a glimpse of her and thought,

She is a really odd person if you ask me Mira looked back forward and kept on walking when she felt Laxus had stopped walking

"What's wrong?" Mira asked, raising her brow at him, Laxus was staring at something beyond them

Mira looked at where he was looking at and it was........ a giant spider! Mira's eyes widened at the sight of the beast infront of her

Laxus was especially scared for some reason which made Mira find the situation kind of cute

"Laxus! Get rid of that spider!" She said in a teasing tone and acted scared which Laxus didn't notice because of his phobia of spiders

"Al-alright" he answered and mustered up his courage but hesitated to walk towards the insect

Mira started laughing, she decided to cut him some slack and went to deal with the spider

"Take over magic! Sitri form!" Mira turned into her Sitri form and when the spider saw her, they ran away

Laxus stopped being scared and regained his posture, "so, you're scared of spiders?" Mira asked with a small smile on her face

Laxus looked away from the she-devil and slightly nodded, "it's fine, I'm not telling anyone" Mira reassured

Laxus' eyes widened, he squinted his eyes at the take over mage, something is up with her he thought being cautious

"IF" she continued, there it is Laxus smirked, "....if you" she stared into his eyes, "let me go on dates" she finished

His eyes widened, he clenched his fists and glared at the ground, "you know I can't do that" he growled

Mira gave her famous sweet chuckle, "prefer to be humiliated or to let me go on dates? You chose" she crossed her arms and started to walk

"I SAID" Mira stopped on her track, "I won't let that happen" He finished, Mira smirked, "chose" she said firmly

"Being humiliated" he answered making Mira clap her hands, "awwwww, that's so sweet!"she said in her matchmaking voice

Laxus rolled his eyes and walked towards her direction, "let's head back to the guild now" Mira said and reached her hand towards him

"Do you want to hold hands?" Laxus raised his brow at her, she nodded making him blush

He hesitantly reached his hand forward and held hers, Laxus cleared his throat, grabbing her attention

"W-why do you want to hold hands?" He questioned, remembering that she wanted to go on dates

"It's just a habit of mine" but that answer wasn't the answer Laxus wanted, he stared at her

"What? Expected I said i loved you?" Mira asked him, Laxus sighed and walked off but, "cause I love you" she gave him a slight smile

Then the rain started to fall, Laxus' eyes widened, she smiled sadly and looked at the ground before going under a tree

She sat down under it and so did Laxus, "I mean....I have for years" she bit her lips, Laxus' eyes widened

"But....." she signed, memories flashed in her head, "I thought you had feelings for Cana" Laxus clicked his tongue

"And so, I tried to stop having those feelings for you because I thought Cana also had feelings for you" Mira revealed

"Tried?" Laxus asked the she-devil, she nodded, "I couldn't stop having feelings for you because you were my first love"

Laxus nodded understandingly, "and when you turned on us....I was willing to give you a second chance even though I was angry" she said

"I'm sorry for all those things I've done back then" Laxus said, still beating himself up, Mira placed her hands onto his

"You know we have all forgiven you for years now" Mira answered, "I know but-" Mira rested her head onto his chest

"You saved us Laxus, you saved the whole city" Mira said, remembering Tartoras Arc

Laxus started to laugh, "you were always checking up on me" He said, revealing that he knew she was visiting him

Mira looked up instantly, "i-WHAT!?" She shouted because of what she said to him in the medical room

"And thanks for believing in me all those years" he smiled and turned away from her getting his revenge

Turns out when Mira said if she wanted to go on dates it was with Laxus and he figured out a few minutes after

He agreed to Mira that she will tell everyone that his fear are spiders and so....he decided to make her embarrassed

"I.....I...." Mira stuttered, she covered her face with her hands and they both sat under the tree next to each other

Laxus still needed to mark Mira by the end of mating season but he'll wait until she's ready because.....

She's his first love too.....

I'm so sorry for the late update!!! In my country, we are going back to school on Wednesday, so, I need to prepare for that....I really don't wanna go!!!!!!!!!!

Fairy tail mating season {COMPLETED}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें