Chapter 12

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The mates were making their way to Akane Beach from where they'll go to Blue Pegasus. Once, they've arrived there, the mates were surprised to find out a letter Eve left. Turns out that the slayers know their destination. But since they were at the Blue Pegasus guild, the Christina was there to transport them to their destination.

"I remember" Laxus said, "tell us then" Jellal told him, "there are 3 rooms here, the room upstairs" he pointed upwards but there was no room there since they blew the room up

"The medical room and this room" he pointed towards two intact rooms, "that's great!" Natsu said enthusiastically

"Let's go" Lyon told them and they nodded, rushing to the Medical room, "where's that button?" Laxus asked

"What button now?" Gajeel asked the lightning dragon slayer, "a button to bring us to mount Hakabe" he answered

"So, from here, we'll arrive to mount Hakabe" Gray classifies, Laxus just hummed in response trying to remember where it was

The ground started to shake, it lifted upwards, making the dragon slayers motion sickness appear

Natsu, Gajeel, Laxus, Sting, Rogue and Cobra started to go blue, they covered their mouth with their hands, gagging

"Oh no" Romeo answered, watching the dragon slayers in fear, "right now!?" Gray exclaimed

"Just when it started to move" Eve added, but the trembling didn't stop, "what's causing this?" Jellal asked

"Who dares interrupt my sleep!" An angry voice said, "who is talking!" Jellal said, "I! The great rock boulder!"

With the mates,

"Becareful girls" Master Bob told the mates, worried about their condition

"Yes, Master Bob" Erza reassured, "bye" Wendy waved, "drink up!" Freed told the mates, pointing at their vials

"Cheers" they said and drank the vial in oneshot, "ahhhh!!!!!" Screams came from the ship

With the slayers,

A giant rock monster appeared infront of them, still lifting the ground up, "seriously, the great rock boulder?" Lyon asked the monster

"Who dares go against my name!" He asked, "I! Lyon Vastia!" Lyon rolled his eyes and crossed his arms

What's he planning? Gray thought  looking at his childhood frenemy

"What do you want you pesky little human!" The rock monster asked, lifting the piece of land towards his face

"And what do YOU want you giant rock!" Lyon answered back,  the rock monster roared

He's angering the rock boulder! Jellal thought watching Lyon stand infront of the monster like it was nothing

"How dare you!" He told Lyon who gave a small chuckle, "how dare I what? Talk back to you?"

"You are no god!" Lyon said, the rock monster croaked it's eyebrows, "yes but" before the monster could continue talking, Lyon clicked his tongue, "tsk!"

"Oh great rock boulder, we are slayers" the rock boulder's eyes widened, "yes and you know what that means...."

"It's dragon mating season" it said, What's happening? Romeo thought, he furrowed his brows

"If you don't put us down immediately, you'll need to go through eleven slayers who are hunting their mates down" Lyon threatened

The boulder thought about his decision for a moment before saying,

"If you say so little human" the boulder put the piece of land back in its place

The dragon slayers motion sickness went away, "what were you planning?" Cobra asked Lyon

He shrugged, "those rock giants get scared easily by humans" he answered nonchalantly

"Alright! Let's get going then!" Sting said enthusiastically, "how?" Natsu asked, "by foot?" Rogue said sarcastically

"Hey! Don't show that tone to Natsu!" Sting told Rogue, "yeah, yeah" Rogue rolled his eyes and walked away

"Where are you going!" Sting shouted, "to get Frosch and Kagura, why?" Rogue asked with a bland tone

"Right, we need to do that" Sting nodded, "you're as dumb as Natsu" Gray said

"What did you say icefreak!" Natsu pressed his head against Gray's, "I said you're dumb flamebrain" Gray answered back

"Would you two please cut it off!" Jellal shouted, losing his cool, Gray and Natsu whimpered and held each other

"Yes ma'am-no! Sir!" They said, "never seen Jellal like this before" Cobra whispered to Laxus

"Yeah and he looks alot like Mystogan who is always quiet" Laxus answered

"He's like Erza" Sting whispered to Rogue, "yeah..." Rogue nodded, "you two have experienced the raft of Erza?"

Romeo questioned, "she's an elegant lady! Be nice when you mention her!" Eve scolded Romeo

"Yeah, yeah" Romeo rolled his eyes while crossing his arms, "teenagers" Lyon told Gajeel, shaking his head while looking at Romeo and Laxus

"Why did you look at me for?" Laxus asked Lyon, "you still haven't outgrown your teenage years" Lyon shrugged

Laxus punched Lyon and Gajeel right in the face and sat back down, "what did I do!?" Gajeel questioned, rubbing the spot where Laxus punched him

"Good punch" Cobra told Laxus who just nodded, totally ignoring Gajeel

Everywhere became quiet when, "I smell something" Natsu said sniffing the area, "yes, it smells familiar" Gajeel answered

"It smells like....a ship" Natsu wobbled around just at the thought of a ship, "do we need to go on a ship again?" Sting questioned Jellal

"No....." he said, looking up at the sky, "a sound is coming from the sky" Rogue answered, "yes" Eve nodded

"Use your blizzard up there" Jellal said remembering his tactic from the GMG with his match with Rufus

Eve nodded and said, "snow magic! White blizzard!" And when he did, snow started to fall from the sky

But it didn't suit well with the slayers when there was one spot in the sky which didn't snow but instead pile up

"The Christina" Eve's eyes widened, "do you think?" Romeo asked Gray, Gray looked at Jellal who nodded

"Our mates are in the Christina, right now" Lyon said, "how will we reach there?" Sting asked

"We could jump on trees" Natsu suggested, "or use my ice-make magic" Gray suggested an easier way

"Fine" Natsu grumbled, "no time to sulk, we got our mates to find" Laxus gave a small smirk

"Ice make! Stairs!" Gray said and stairs started to form

"Let's go!"

The slayers started to climb the stairs and jumped on the Christina

Gasps were heard behind the slayers, they looked behind them to see.....

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