Chapter 26- Stingyu

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After a long chase, Meredy and Lyon finally had a chance to talk to each other and they both wanted to stay as friends but they were caught up in the moment when they kissed and they now together.

"Yukino~" Sting sang in a scary voice like a murderer who was looking for their victim

Yukino closed her eyes shut, covering her mouth with her hands, crouching down behind a tree

His footsteps started to approach towards her, she peeked from her hiding spot and saw his leg

Her heart beat fastened, sweat dripping from her forehead, she hugged her knees and burried her face in her knees

Where is she? Sting thought, walking around ten gigantic forest, searching for his mate

He sniffed the area but it was in vain, he couldn't catch her scent even if he tried hard enough

The reason why this is happening is because where Yukino was hiding at had the scents of plants, trees and creatures lurking in the wood

A growl came from Yukino's hiding area, she looked up to see two red glowing eyes, she held onto her Pisces key and kept quiet

The creature slowly descended towards her face, drool coming from its mouth as it sniffed her, moving her hair

She held her breath, trying not to scream or else Sting would find her, the creature made a noise

The noise caught the attention of other creatures of the area, they moved towards her direction

One by one they approached her and stared at her, she wanted to make a run for it but if she did, Sting would catch her

The creatures looked at each other and roared loudly, they started to try and attack her

"Open gate of the two fish! Pisces!" Yukino shouted, the mother and son duo appeared and started to fight the creatures off

Yukino stood up and started to kick and punch the creatures, she jumped on one and wrestled it to the ground

Then threw it onto a tree, more creatures started to attack her, she jumped onto a tree and took her Libra key

"Open gate of divine grace! Libra!" Yukino shouted and summoned Libra who used her gravity magic and changed the creatures gravitational field

"PISCES!" Libra called, the son nodded and ran towards the creatures Libra held down and he used his trident to send waves the creatures

The creatures were sent flying into the air catching the attention of a certain someone

"Open gate of the snake charmer! Ophiuchus!" Yukino opened a third gate, the snake charmer's

A giant snake appeared, towering above the creatures, it hissed making the creatures whimper

The giant snake used its tail and kicked them far away, the creatures slammed onto trees making the leaves fall

Yukino signed in relief, she looked at her spirits, "thank you" she said, they nodded, "it wasn't a big deal anyway" the son pisces bragged

"Stop it!" The mother pisces shook her head in disappointment at her son's cockiness, "apart from what pisces just said, we're glad to help" Libra bowed

"Thank you" Yukino smiled, she looked up at the giant snake who nodded, reassuring her that it was no big deal

"Where's the other celestial mage anyway? Lucy, I think her name was, Aquarius talks about her alot" the mother pisces chuckled

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