Story # 2

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Hi.. there are not a enough sorry's in the world.. 

What am I going to do?

The words of my dad ran through my head "take a life, yours is gone to" there was no way I can do that!

I like my life. 

I slumped down against the tree and sat there.. after calming down and some what relaxing, I walked back to the house. But I stopped when I saw my mom in the garden. 

Her long light brown hair looked almost blonde in the sunlight, she was wearing a white button up shirt that was stained with dirt she wore gardening gloves, I always remember she loved flowers...


"Mommy! What's this kind a flower?" 

"That's a tulip." She chuckled. 

But the next question I had was how in the hell did I get two mates. I know Axe and Dante are twins but even twins are different. So I deiced to go and talk to mom. 

I found her in the garden working on a rose bush. 

"Mom?"  I walked up slowly behind her and sat down crossing my legs. "Sweetie, how are you?" She place a light kiss on my cheek. 

"Good, just got done talking to dad." I quietly said, I quickly spoke again before she could say anything.. "Mom how did you meet dad? Or I guess when did you realize he was your mate?" I asked. 

"Well, I was seventeen when I met your father... I thought he was the hot." She smiled. "Oh mom, come on." I complained. "Ha ha, as I was saying, I night I met your father, I'll never forget. My father, you're grandpa, was an and still is the Alpha of the White Wing Pack, well being the daughter of an Alpha you must attended all the parties, ball and social events that come along with that. The night I met you're father was New Years, we always had a masquerade ball. I knew something was up when I walked into the ballroom that night. I felt it in the air.  At the time I didn't really have finding a mate on the brain like most girls my age at the time. So as the night went on I dance with a  couple of guys for fun, it was almost midnight and a tall guys with brown hair, and strike blue eyes asked me to dance. When it was announced that it was time for the count down you're father took of his mask and I took off mine and at the strike of midnight he kissed me. Then I knew that he was my mate. After that his smell and touch gave me tingles and I knew what they meant. And we've been together ever since.." She showed her sweet smile to me. 

 Is it always that easy? 

For me no. 

"What made you wan to talk about this..? Asked, looking up from her gardening.

"Just curious..." I lied through my teeth. 

"Okay, sweetie."


Hi, so.. to me perfectly honest I'm not all that thrilled with this story. In my opinion I think it could be a lot better. Please tell me what you think in comments below.

1.) I start the story over.. 

2.) I edit this one, and leave it up. 


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