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"Mom. Dad. When did you get here?" I asked sheepishly. 

"What happened with Dante tonight?!" Dad used his Alpha tone. 

"Nothing." I forced back. 

"Odettete come with me." Dad started walk away and I soon followed; I walked past mom and she lightly touched my shoulder. 

Dad lead me to his office. "Come in Odelette." He held the door open for me and I slowly step in. 

"Dad-" I started but I was soon cut off. 

"Sorry about that sweetheart, I didn't mean to use my Alpha tone on you. How's Dante?" Dad asked me and I was very confused. 

"Good.. I think." I sat down slowly. "You have me insanely confused dad? How do you know him?" I finished. 

"Oh sweet I've known Dante since he was boy, truth be told I was hopping that his father would pick him for Beta." Dad was starting to ramble. "DAD?!?! Will you please tell me what in god's name is going on?!?!?!" I screamed at him. 

"Oh sorry kiddo. Let me explain." He said. 

"That would be great." I huffed. 

"Dante has always been like a son to me after his father picked Axe for the role of Beta. To tell you the truth I hope their father would pick Dante for the role, but it wasn't any of my bussiness." He told me. 

"Do you know that their both my mates?" I whispered looking in to space. 

"Yes. I've known since you three were little." I slowly nodded to what he told me. 

"Dad what am I going to do?" I asked looking at him with a worried look. 

"I don't know kid, what is your heart telling you to do?" He asked me and the truth was it was going towards Dante, cause as sure as hell after tonight Axe is done. 

"Dante." I whisper. 

"If you choose Dante, I'm fine with that and so is your mother." He nodded. 

"Wait mom knows?" I asked in disbeif. 

"HA HA of course she knows..! It's hard to hide things from your mother, and she thinks of Dante a son aswell." I let out a sigh of reif. 

"But what about the pack? I mean he's a rouge." Dad's face went into a frown, which I knew wasn't a good thing. 

"The pack obivsisly doesn't like rouge's but if you choose Dante I'll make sure that you will get time to see him." He told me. But I didn't know if I wanted to see him. God why is this so hard? 

"Thanks Dad."I walked over to him and kissed his cheek. 

"You're welcome. Now off to bed." He told me and I happly agreed. 

"Night daddy." I said childishly. 

"Night kiddo." He smiled at me. 

I walked out of his office and shut the door behind me light. Everything was peaceful until I was ambushed. 

"What happened? How much trouble did you get in? Is he going after Dante?" Were all the questions that I got bumbarded with by my friends. 

"No, everything is fine; I'm not in trouble." I started walking off towards my room, the only ones that followed was the girls. "Hey are you alright?" Raina stop me. 

"Yeah, I think so. Do you guys want to stay the night?" I asked them getting out of my fog. 

"Yeah sure." The nodded their heads happly. 

"Come on." I opened my door to my room and slipped off my shoes. "Borther anything that you'd like." I said pointing to my cloest. "I'm going to be in that bathroom." I heard mumbles from my cloest. 

I stepped in to the bathroom and started taking off all my jewlerary and my dress, after that was done I notice a small piece of paper that was rolled up with a ring around it, and the thing about the ring was that it was the same one as mine but when I looked down at my hand and the matching ring to my set of jewlery was gone. I picked up the paper and slipped of the ring and unrolled the paper and read it. 

Dear Odelette, 

Nice to meet you I had fun tonight. 

We'll have to do it again. 

See you soon.. 

Love D,

Ps. Found your ring

Damn. I soon realized that tonight wasn't going to be the last night that I see Mr. Dante and I was a little excited for our next meeting. 

Oh no, I'm falling for Rogue and I kill Rogues. 

Great. This shoud be easy. 


O MY GOD you guys are AMAZING!!!! I mean I know that everything that you've guys have done doesn't seem like a lot to some writers but I love it and I think its just AWESOME!!! 

So you know the drill. 

Comment, Fan, Vote, Add to Libriary's, and everything of that nature. 

Love and Hugs 

<3 Paigey! 

Ps. I know this chap isn't long and I'm sorry!!! 

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