Bow Down Before the Princess

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"It's impossible." The man breathed out.

"Honey, its her." The woman started to get teary eyed. She started to get closer to me.

"Honey, stop. Its not her. She is dead." He hissed at her. But the woman didn't listen she got closer to me; she raised her hand and touched my cheek. She studied my face; she soon spoke.

"Odelette is it really you?" She whispered to me; I nodded and a tear feel down cheek.

She pulled me into a hug. "Mom." I breathed into her neck. "Oh to hear you voice say that; you don't know how happy that makes me." Mom laughed.

"Molly, its not possible. She could be playing a trick." He said.

"Oh calm down Richard; its her!! She has your eyes for God sakes!!" He yelled at him.

He walked around the desk and to me. Mom backed up to give him room.

He stepped closer to me, and looked right in my eyes. His facial expression changed from weird straight face to a warm smile. He suddenly picked me up and spun me around. "My baby girl is home!!" he yelled in a happy tone.

He put me down and brought mom and me into a hug. "I finally have my girls." He kissed mom and then kissed me on the forehead.

Then it all changed when mom went into mom mode.

"What happened to your lip, young lady?" Mom asked putting her hands on her hip.

"Its nothing." I lied, and she knew it.

"No its not nothing your lip is slip open. I'm getting the pack doctor." She walked out of room and down the hall.

"Dad.." I whined.

"Sorry sweety when your mother wants something she'll get it." He laughed and kissed my head again.

"Come sit." he moved back over to his desk, and sat in the big black leather chair, he soon pointed in a chair for me to sit in.

I sat across from him and started to look around the office was large, a big black wooden desk, the leather chairs, bookshelves were on the sides, I noticed picture frames on his desk, but they were facing him so I couldn't tell who they were of. I wondered if maybe there was one of me.

"Odelette I have to ask..." Dad started. "what happened to you?" He finished. "I was-" but I was cut off when mom came in.

"Odelette come here, sweetie." I turned around to see mom with an older woman who looked to be in her late 40's. "Is this really her?" The woman asked.

"Yes, isn't she beautiful." Mom walked over to me and took my hand, she pulled me over to the couch and sat me down.

"She is. Welcome home Princess." The lady bowed her head to me. Princess, what is she talking about.

"Odelette, honey this is Lisa she is the pack doctor. I nodded. "OK sweetie I'm going to look at you're cuts and get you all cleaned up." Lisa warmly smiled at started to pull things from her doctor bag, it looked like a rubbing alcohol and other things.

After 20 minutes she was finally finished cleaning and bandaging my cuts. She bowwed one more time and left.

"Why did she call me Princess?" I asked.

"Well that's what you are." My dad said with a smile.

"What?" I asked licking my lips.

"Don't lick your lips sweetie." Mom scolded, probably about my lip.

"You're mother and I are the King and Queen of the Werewolf world and you're the Princess." My dad said.

"Why don't I remember this?" I asked stupidly.

"Well you were only five, and we tried to make sure you had a normal life." He lowered his head, probably because I didn't have a normal childhood.

"But people call up Alpha and Alpha Female. We try to keep it really normal around here." Mom smiled at me.

 "Can I go lay down, everything that has happened is starting to make my head hurt." I let out a breathless laugh.

"Of course. We'll take you to your room." The got up and place their arms around me. "Just so you know everyone knows that your alive, and back." We walked into the hallway, I remember the little things about the house. We walked through the kitchen, I noticed something written on the frame of the door, it was heights. They were my heights, but they stopped right after the age of five.

"Sweetie are you OK?" Mom asked she must have noticed that I saw the heights. "Yes." I closed my eyes took a breath and held back the tears.

We walked through the rest of house and up the staircase. We came to my bedroom door, we walked in and it look nothing like I had remembered; my twin bed with princess bedding was changed to a king size bed with purple and black bedding and sheets, there were dark wooded dressers and door doors off to the left which i assumed was a closet and bathroom. I noticed to two big french doors on  both sides of my bed which lead to my balcony.

I remember I could sit out there forever and look out to the woods.

I crawled into bed and Mom and Dad tucked me in and kissed my forehead.

"Good to have you back home. Love my dear." They whispered to me.

"Wait my car." They turned around to and chuckled.

"Don't worry I'll take care of it." Dad shut off the light to my room and shut the door; with that they left and I was alone to think about everything that happened.

I found my parents, and they loved me. I also thought about William I have to find him, everything I saw in the house the pictures the heights in the kitchen. Because of him I never had a childhood, he is going to pay for that if its the last thing I do and with that I fell into a dreamless sleep.


OK a couple of things:

 1. Thank you to everyone who has voted and added my story to their Libraries. I know its not a lot but it still amazing.

2. I need your help for ideas for the Cast List so if you have ideas  let me know below

3. Comment and Vote! Show your love. If I get more votes and comments it will make me upload faster!!

All right Peace and Love

<3 Paigey

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