My Name Is..

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Axe's POV

"Whoa Whoa! Odelette Riley as the missing/dead daughter of Alpha Richard Riley?!?!" Blake asked.

"Yes. Odelette what happened to you?" Jackson placed both of his hands on her shoulders, he tilted her head down as if she was a shammed of what she went through.

"To tell you the truth, Jackson. You really wouldn't want to know." A small tear fell down her cheek. All I wanted to do was rap my arms around her and never let go.

Wait why am I talking like this? My wolf just had a smirk on his face.

"Odelette you're parents are going to be over joyed when they know that your alive." He picked her up and spinned her around, but she didn't look as happy as he was.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Guys, will you give us a moment? We'll catch up." We all nodded at started back towards the pack house.

Odelette POV

"Odelette?" A man stepped out behind of a tree, it was Jackson, he was one of my dads friends he was tall, salt and pepper hair, hazel eyes, and his mate was Maria.

"Jackson?" I asked.

"Odelette." He ran towards me engulfing me in a hug. We pulled apart, and he cupped his hands around my face.

"We all thought you were dead." He kissed my cheeks, as tears started to fall from his eyes and mine.

"Boys." He rapped his arm around my body. "Boys I'd like you to meet Odelette. Odelette Riley.

"Whoa Whoa! Odelette Riley as the missing/dead daughter of Alpha Richard Riley?!?!" Some guy asked. He was a little shorter than Jackson with reddish hair, freckles, and blue eyes.

"Yes. Odelette what happened to you?" Jackson placed both of his hands on my shoulders, I titled my head down I was a shammed of what I went through.

"To tell you the truth, Jackson. You really wouldn't want to know." A small tear fell down my cheek.

"Odelette you're parents are going to be over joyed when they know that your alive." He picked me up and spun me around, but would they be? I knew I didn't look as happy as he was.

"Are you sure?" I him asked.

"Guys, will you give us a moment? We'll catch up." They all nodded and started back towards the pack house.

What do you mean 'are you sure?'" Jackson asked me; I just shrugged.

"Odelette you've been gone for 13 years, you're parents are going to be thrilled that your back in their arms." He said placing his hand under my chin an lifting it up to look him in the eye.

"Well the last time I saw them-" I started.

"Whoa the last time you saw them? When was that?" Jackson asked as he cut me off.

"Two years ago around the time I was taken; I managed to track the pack down wen I got to the door I look in the window to make sure that I was at the right place. I saw my mother and father happy and laughing. I figured that they were doing better with out me."

I sat on a rock and played my thumbs.

"Oh sweetie. That day you saw them, you have it wrong... your mother four weeks before that day you're mother found out she was pregnant. But on that day she had a miscarriage. She was upset that she had lost two children. You're father started to tell stories about you. You remember that time that you fell in river and came out covered in mud?" I nodded my head slowly 

"You see they love you like crazy. I know for a fact that there is not one day that they and the entire pack doesn't think about you." He kissed my forehead.

"Come on. Think its time for you to meet some people."

He took my hand, and lead me towards the pack house. We caught up with the other guys they I saw before.

After 45 minutes of walking we came to the back of the pack house. I stopped and stared at it.

"Odelette, whats wrong?" Jackson asked.

"Just taking it all in." I breathed out.

"Come on." He pulled my hand up the deck stairs and into he kitchen of the house.

"Both of you're parents are in Alpha Riley's office." The guys lead me to a pair of white french doors with a dark set of curtains. They walked off leaving me alone in-front of the french doors.

I wasn't going to lie, I was scared.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in." A strong voice said from the other side. I placed my hand on the cold metal handle and turned it, to open it.

I walked in.

Their was man looking down and piece of paper, he was writing vigorously and a women looking over his shoulder pointing to things.

They hadn't change a bit form the day two years ago. They didn't say anything to me so I cleared my throat to catch their attention.

"Whats your name?" The man said.

"M-my n-name i-is.." I struttered.

"Well spit it out." He growled at me.

"My name is Odelette."


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<3 Paigey

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