You think WHAT?! (NOT EDITED)

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Hey guys, so instead of putting this at the end I'm putting it at the beginning.

So THANK you from the bottom of my heart for the comments, votes, fans. Its amazing!!

This chapter is a little short, but I just wanted to put it in.

1. Don't for get to vote, comment, and fan.

2. Please leave ideas for the cast it would help me.

And if I could possiblely get:

 4 votes for the next chapter that would be just amazing!!!

Lots of Love

<3 Paigey.



I opened my eyes, I was looking up at the stars, wondering were the hell I was.

"So you're a wake." Raina said she and the rest of group came over and sat around me. "Where am I?" I start looking around and realize that I'm laying on the ground, in the middle of the forest.

"You are about 42.2 miles from the pack house." Blake told me.

"Whats going, what happened?" I quickly stood up, and felt a sudden pain in my head which I almost fell over for but thankfully Ashley and Spencer were their to catch me.

"Thanks." I whispered to them, they gave warm smiles but still held on to me.

"Well you started screaming in pain; until Peter gave you Acter." Raina told me, and to tell you the truth I really don't remember anything that happened.

"Whats acter?" I asked them.

"Its a drug. It strong enough to kill the pain of a werewolf." Devin spoke.

"And you just caring that around randomly." I asked Peter. "Yes, its hard to explain." I nodded, giving him 'thats ok you don't have to tell me' look. "So what happened?" I asked sitting on a large rock; god this dress is killing me, I thought.

"You really don't remember?" Spence asked me, looking in shock.

"No, should I?" Their mouths dropped.

"Well you, started screaming out in pain like someone was ripping you from the inside." Zak explained to me, he sat next to me with a concered face.

"Pain? Why?" I asked dumbly.

"We're no excatly sure." Ashley spoke up.

"Guys." Raina said softly.

 "Yeah." Peter answered.

"Right before Odelette started feeling the pain, Kesley went up stairs with Axe." She said.

"You don't think..?" Blake questioned.

"She's right. That has to be the explanion to what happened." Spence agreed.

"WHAT"S GOING ON?" I screamed at them.

"When mates touch for the first time, it sends off connection to the other one. That means if a mate is in pain, or is hurt, or even having a sexual realaionship with someone eles the other parter can feeling it." Zak said.

"Ok. I still don't get it." I told truthfully.

"We think that Axe is you mate." They all said together.

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