The Past.

874 19 1

I sat there.


Why couldn't they just be happy that I was back?

But they just had to ask what happen to me.

I thought of my past.


"Mommy! Mommy! Can I go out side and play?" I asked her.

"No sweetie, not by your self." Mom said told me, I put a frown on my face.

"Please..!" I begged her.

"No!" She said in a harsher tone.

 "Whoa! What's going on in here?" Daddy came in and swooped me into his arms; he pecked my cheek.

"Mommy won't let me go outside." He chuckled.

"Oh come on Molly. Odelette is five, she's a big girl. Right Odelette?" He asked me.

"Yea mommy!!"  I nodded quickly.

"Oh alright. But if she tracks mud in to the house, you're cleaning it up!" She warned daddy.

Daddy put me down, and I ran out the back door and into the woods.

I love being in the woods, I felt safe. Like nothing could hurt me, nothing could touch me.

I came to a small clearing, I sat on the edge and dipped my toes in the water it made me giggle.

I don't know how long I sat there. But I soon hears foot steps.

"Hello princess." A scary man with a beard cocked his head to the side, and showed a creepy smile.

"I should be getting home. My mommy and daddy will be worried." I started to get up, I brushed off my dress and started to head in the direction of my house.

"I'm sorry priencess I can't let you do that." He walked towards me. "NO!" I started to run but he grabbed me from behind and put something over my mouth. The next thing I know I blacked out


Couple of things.

1. Thank you for the votes, comments(even tho theres one) and fans.

2. Like I said: the next couple of chapters will be longer. I just wanted to put this in part in there.

3.Help me with the cast PLEASE?!

Peace and Love

<3 Paigey

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