Chapter 40

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Tanya's POV

I was just about to go to bed after a long shift when I heard my phone buzzing on the counter. I ignored it, figuring it was either a scam or an automatic message. After a while, it buzzed with a notification. Hanna was asleep on the couch, so I picked my phone up and went into my room. There was a voicemail from the same number.

Figuring I had nothing to lose, I pressed play. "Tanya, this is Tony Stark. You probably remember me. I need you to call me back as soon as you can, it's important," Tony's voice said. I sighed, tossing my phone down onto my nightstand. I decided that if it was that important, I needed to be awake for it. After getting ready for bed and being joined by Onyx, I fell asleep.

I woke up to the sun streaming into my window, hitting me in the eyes. After changing into some normal clothes and brushing my hair, I went into the living room. "Hanna, wake up," I said, gently prodding her. I got swatted at in return. "Come on, Hanna, get up," I said, shaking her until she groaned.

"Why are you waking me up at this ungodly hour?" She mumbled. "It's almost 10 o'clock. Get your lazy bum ready while I make breakfast," I said, going over to the kitchen. I made fried eggs and toast, a classic. After setting the plates down, Hanna came in, dragging her feet while doing so.

We ate in silence, my eyes constantly looking at my phone which was sat on the coffee table. If Hanna noticed, she never mentioned. "I gotta get to work. See you later, Tanya," Hanna said, putting her bag on her shoulder. "Bye, Hanna," I said, waving her goodbye as she left. I went over to the coffee table, picking my phone up, and sitting down on the couch.

After staring at the missed call for an excessive amount of time, I sucked it up and pressed it. My phone started ringing, picking up after two rings. "Hello, this is Tony Stark speaking," Tony said. "Hi, Tony," I said tentatively. "You got my call?" He asked.

"Would I be calling if I didn't?" I asked. "Right," He replied. " said you needed to talk to me about something?" I asked. "Ifoundyourparents," He said quickly. "Repeat that at a comprehensible speed," I told him.

"I found your parents," He said slower. "What?" I almost shouted. "You're not gonna believe who they are," He muttered. "I already know who my mother is. Her name was Liv Bodottir," I said. The line was quiet for a while.

"That's not what she told me," He said quietly. "You knew her?" I asked in disbelief. "I knew her as Liz," He admitted. "So...who's my dad?" I asked. "You should probably know the whole story," He said.

"Alright, tell it to me," I said. "Please don't be mad," He said. "Ask that after you tell me," I told him. "I'm just warning you, you're gonna be mad," He said. "Just tell me the goddamn story already," I snapped.

"So, I met your mother at a weapons conference. I was...different at the time. I did the deed with her, then we parted ways. What she didn't tell me, is she ended up getting pregnant. With you," He said. "But it can't be yours," I said, more to myself than anything. "That's what I thought too. But I ran the tests," He said. "Stop kidding me," I snapped. I almost dropped my phone at what he told me next.

"Tanya, I am your father,"

Tanya Stark-Livdottir will return in The Dark Antihero.

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