Chapter 28

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As the van bumped and bustled along, shaking the prisoners in the back of the van, Tanya and Ellie showed no signs of waking up. 

Ellie's head was slumped against Clint's shoulder, jostling and bumping as the van shook. Tanya's head was leaned into the corner, clear liquid sliding down her neck as it drained from her ear. She was also starting to convulse, concerning the other occupants of the van.

None of them were doctors, but convulsions, clear liquid draining from ears, and unconsciousness were never good signs.

 The van rolled to a stop, the doors swinging open and light flooding the room. "Ellie. Ellie," Clint hissed, shaking his daughter with his shoulder. He was close, but no cigar. Thaddeus Ross emerged, his hands clasped behind his back and a smug look on his face that Clint desperately wanted to punch off.

"I thought I said to retire," he said, the pleasure in his voice not going undetected. Clint glared at him, as did Wanda and Sam.

"Here, I'll help," Sam and Scott gently lifted Tanya, a task that should've been a lot harder than it was. Her head lolled downward, thick black hair covering her face. "Is she gonna be okay?" Scott asked Clint, who was holding up Ellie.

"I don't know," he admitted, Ross hearing their conversation.

"Load them onto the plane," he ordered, soldiers running over and seizing the two unconscious women, dragging them along the tarmac to a special holding plane designed for enhanced individuals. "Be careful with those three--they're dangerous," Ross called to the men handling Wanda, Ellie, and Tanya. Personally, Scott didn't think Tanya or Ellie were the most intimidating people out there, but what did he know?

Not enough, apparently.

They were each put in their own small box, made of thick steel and bulletproof glass to keep them inside. Wanda, Tanya, and Ellie were fitted with straightjackets, Ellie and Wanda with shock collars that would zap them when they used their powers. The clasps on Tanya's jacket were made of vibranium to prevent her from escaping, and the cloth had vibranium weaved into it.

The United States had bought a hundred pounds of vibranium for 'research purposes' and while it was being researching, they also designed restraints for enhanced individuals such as Asgardians or Super Soldiers. Tanya was the test subject, as they hadn't been able to get an Asgardian or Super Soldier to test them on.

Too bad no one knew she was only Half-Asgardian.

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