Chapter 26

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"You two gonna keep staring or are we gonna start looking?" the others, Wanda and Clint, were gawking at me.

"Who are you?" Clint asked, befuddled.

"Tanya," I said, starting to head off.

"That doesn't answer anything!" he called to me, and I looked at him from over my shoulder.

"I know it doesn't! Now, are you gonna keep standing there trying to catch flies, or are you actually gonna help?" when I said this, his jaw snapped shut and they started following me. I could hear Clint muttering something about those 'Damn Asgardians.'

"We found it. The Quinjet's in Hanger five, north runway," Clint drew an arrow, closing one eye before using it to cut the binds around Steve's wrists. We took off, me being significantly further ahead than the other two. I could see the Iron Man and War Machine suits taking off into the air.

We got onto the tarmac, booking it toward the hanger. Explosions rang out around us, sending rubble flying our way.

"Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings," Stark hovered in the air, pointing a repulsor in our direction.

"You locked me in my room," Wanda replied.

"Okay, first, that's an exaggeration. Second, I did it to protect you. Hey, Clint. Clearly, retirement doesn't suit you. Got tired of shooting golf?" he greeted.

"Well, I played eighteen, shot eighteen. Just can't seem to miss," he fired a trio of arrows, Stark swerving out of the way and blowing them up.

"Well, first time for everything," Stark sassed, and he smirked.

"Made you look," cars started raining down around him, sending him to the ground and pinning him,

"Huh, that worked a treat! Still, we should--we should get moving. I'll go slow this time," we started running--or jogging in my case--towards the hanger again. 

"There's our ride," Clint pointed at the Quinjet in the distance. Steve and Scott came onto either side, Cap calling for Barnes, Sam, and the girl. She was lurching and unsteady, exactly what we didn't need right now.

A yellow beam cut into the pavement in front of us, caused by the synthoid from the meeting. "Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good, you must surrender now," War Machine flew in, dropping the royal as a boy in spider clothing and a girl in a green and grey mask arrived, as the Vision lowered to the ground.

"What do we do, Cap?" Sam asked.

"We fight,"

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