Chapter 30

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"You're okay," a brown-haired girl, about my height, had just entered the room and was immediately wrapped in a tight hug from the older man.

"I need to breathe, you know," she wheezed, and he released her. I shrank further into the corner, trying to go unnoticed.

"This has been fun, but believe us when we say that we are officially retired now," the man said.

 "Understood, Clint. Go home and take care of that brood of yours," Steve grinned. How he could do that, I had no idea. 

"Actually, I was thinking maybe we shouldn't," the girl said tentatively. 

"What do you mean?" he asked, looking at her. She shuffled her feet a bit before explaining.

"We're criminals, now. Fugitives from the law. If we go home, that'll put our entire family in danger. I don't wanna risk that," family. Of course. It's always family.

"She's got a point. Anyone caught harboring us could get sent to prison for who knows how long," Scott added. 

"You got space for two more?" he asked Steve, who nodded.

"You guys are always welcome," Steve said.

"So, Cap, what's the plan?" the brunette asked.

"First, everyone on. Clint, Ellie, can you fly?" Steve asked as we filed out of the Raft. Rain was pounding down around us, soaking our clothing to the bone and plastering my hair to my scalp. 

"What do you take us for? Idiots? 'Course we can fly. Where to?" the man, Clint, asked.

"Anywhere, for now," I opted to not take a seat, standing in the darkest corner.

"I think I might know somewhere," Clint said as the girl, Ellie, was tossed a med-pack.

"49°27'41.0"N 80°03'40.0"W? What's there?" Ellie asked, looking at the coords.

"You'll see," Clint said.

"You know, you're welcome to sit down," Steve said, glancing over at me.

"No thanks. You guys deserve your space," I said, taking my hospital band out of my pocket and fiddling with it.

"Hey, miss, what's your name?" Scott asked.

"Tanya. Tanya Boston," I answered.


Turns out the coords brought us to a snowy forest in the middle of nowhere. While everyone bundled up in thick layers, I just buttoned my coat up, figuring it wouldn't be a very long trek.

"You sure that's enough?" Steve asked, and I shrugged.

"I've lived through worse," I informed him, stepping outside into the snow. I struggled to keep the kid-wonder off of my face, staring around at the cold snowflakes drifting through the air in amazement.

"I know, it's pretty cool," Scott said to me, pulling a beanie over his ears.

"I always forget the world can be this...pretty," I admitted. I was filled with a childish joy, just living in the moment.

A snowflake drifted towards me, and I grinned, holding out my hand and watching it land in my palm. Eventually, I gave in and just stared around in wonder at the snowy woods.


Steve watched Tanya's giddy and frankly childish reaction to the snow. Her previous words rang in his head.

I've lived through worse. 

How much worse? Who did this to her? She's acting like this is the first time she's seen snow. Ross's words about her crept in.

Be careful about that one. She's dangerous.

But how dangerous?

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