53| To Feel Like a Salad When You Really Want to be Spaghetti

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53| To Feel Like a Salad When You Really Want to be Spaghetti

53| To Feel Like a Salad When You Really Want to be Spaghetti

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"I can see it in the papers right now!" Ava exclaimed. "'Nicolas Montgomery named the rightful future owner of Montgomery Squared as Theodore Montgomery III pursues his true dream of... something amazingly historical and fun for him!'"

"That's a long weird title," Matteo said.

We were on the train (me, Nic, Ava, and Matteo) heading back home to New York City. Matteo was once again spending the holiday with my family because once again, the article had fucked him up a bit, and he wanted to be closer to Will. Christmas break was conveniently about a month-long, thanks to the leisurely college schedule. The semester was over and I'd managed to pass all of my classes (doing pretty bad, though, in the heavy business areas), but I was so fucking thankful that finals were done and everything was looking up right now:

Ava and I were golden. I don't think it was possible for us to get even more golden, but I wanted to prove my thoughts wrong over the break. I wanted to see her as much as possible, and I already had plans to do something utterly romantic for her. I just had to figure out exactly what it was going to be.

Then, Nic and I had sorted our shit out at the party. After we had our long conversation in the kitchen of Ava's apartment, Ava and Butler came out of her room and Ava was outwardly thankful that we were no longer fighting and there weren't any more secrets between us. We ended up spending most of the rest of the night watching random Netflix movies; Ava and I snuggled on the couch together keeping the open PDA to a minimum at Nic's request, all while Nic sat beside Butler. Butler kept massaging Nic's hand whenever Nic showed he was tense or twirled his wrist around. Nic kept glancing over at Butler wearily, almost softly and protectively.

I apparently didn't know my brother super well, but if I didn't know any better, he might have had a little crush... Except I wasn't sure my brother swung in that direction, but I guess if I didn't know him well enough in the first place, I couldn't be sure he was completely straight. Either way, I didn't dwell on it. But I certainly didn't miss how Nic willingly allowed Butler to tend to his hand. Maybe I was full of shit, but...

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," Nic said. He looked slightly nervous because we were headed home and our first mission of the day was to tell our parents, together, that Nic wanted the business and I didn't know what the fuck I wanted, but surely it wasn't Montgomery Squared.

"We're not getting ahead of anything," I said. "The parents are gonna hear us out, and we're gonna figure it all out. Alright? You're getting the damn business. If it's stuck in my name forever, I'm gonna run away and change my name."

Ava rolled her eyes. "So dramatic."

"Tell me about it," Nic muttered as the train started slowing down. We were almost at our stop and then we would have to get out and leave Ava, who still had a little way to go before she reached her own station further into the city.

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