50| The Perfect Golden Child

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50| The Perfect Golden Child

I FELL ASLEEP WITH Theo last night, which caused me to wake up way later than I was meant to in order to make it to class on time

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I FELL ASLEEP WITH Theo last night, which caused me to wake up way later than I was meant to in order to make it to class on time.

I jolted up from his bed and shoved him hard, causing him to fall onto the floor. He grunted loudly as he hit the floor and his body made a thump. I checked my phone and realized there were several texts from Matteo telling us to get our asses up because we had class in 15 minutes and it took about that time to walk to the business building.

Oops, I guess.

"Get up, Theodore!" I said, throwing a pillow at him. I ran into the bathroom to change into the jeans I brought from yesterday but keeping Theo's sweatshirt on so I didn't have to wear the same shirt as yesterday. It was fine by me considering it was cold outside, raining, and Theo's sweatshirt was so big and warm. It was fuzzy on the inside and it made me laugh a little because the sweatshirt had the Montgomery Squared logo on the front. If only my mother could see me now...

He groaned loudly but stood up, yawning and stretching his arms over his head. I glared at him and he looked confused.

"What?" he said. "Why do you look like you want to kill me already?"

"I'm gonna need you to not stretch like that when you're shirtless and we have class in 15 minutes because it's making it really difficult to want to go to class," I admitted.

Theo raised his eyebrows and smirked. "Oh? I'm making it hard on you, am I?" He tried to step forward to corner me, but I ducked out of the way and sent him a hard glare, throwing his shirt at him.

"We have class, dingbat. Put this on and let's go. If you're lucky, Matteo will have coffee ready."

"Psh, he always has coffee," Theo said, sliding on his shirt while I left the room and headed downstairs in a hurry. My backpack was still on the couch where I'd left it from yesterday, as I'd been doing homework until Theo complained he wanted attention. I was starting to think he was a bit needy. But it was cute regardless.

Stupid cute idiot.

I got to the kitchen and Theo was right behind me with a sweatshirt and sweatpants on. We barely crossed into the kitchen before Matteo shoved coffees in both of our hands and spun us towards the front door.

"Out we go, kiddos!" Matteo exclaimed, shoving us out of the door and following behind.

"Why do you care so much about being late?" Theo asked.

"I don't," Matteo said, then pointed at me. "But she does. And I'm catering to her needs and feelings."

"Thank you, Matteo. You're my favorite," I said. "Unlike others who complain and whine like babies when I try to leave at 10 pm and then convince me to stay the night only to not set an alarm for class the next day." I glared at Theo.

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