Chapter 9: Real-life

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     "I'm sure you'll be fine, Luna..." The Luxray shook his head before pacing out of the room. "There have been deaths, yeah...but we'll all make it out alive...I promise..."

     The ominous draft from the open windows of the mansion breezed through, and it only took a few seconds to realize...

     "Sam was does get colder..." Zantai crossed his arms and curled into the couch. "Damn...that's actually really bad..."

     "I'm sorry..." Inu fidgeted with her fingers. Zantai seemed to perk to life as if he's never heard Inu ever apologize.

     "It's aight...I just—" A voice interrupted the Blaziken's next sentence.

     "Everyone..!" Sammy smiled brightly as she stepped through the freezing doorway—which was blown open by the Infernape days ago. "I heard Bigby and Zantai found a garage..!"

     "Yeah...but it was really weird. It was almost like it didn't belong at all..." The Blaziken stood on his legs to pace near the Braixen. "But we can explore it that we're more people."

     "Can I join?" Inu also stood on her feet to trudge near us. 

     "Yeah...sure thing..!" Bigby grinned widely. 


     Sammy's POV

     "Ah, here it is..!" A gleeful smile tugged at my muzzle.

     "Why are you so excited?" Inu tilted her head in confusion.

     "Because anything new here could lead us to an exit. This mansion is very advanced, anything could prove useful to our escape..." I found myself near the doorway, gazing down at the dark void. "Does...does this thing go down?"

     "This is what I meant by not belonging...the ground is around six feet steep compared to the grass out here..." Zantai placed a protective claw in front of my chest, preventing me from moving further. "Careful..." He eased.

     "Yeah..." Bigby stepped forward and leaped into the void until I could no longer see him. Suddenly, two bright scarlet red eyes focused on mine. "I'm sure you can make it, it's not too high of a jump," Bigby reassured.

     "Right..." Zantai chuckled in embarrassment before leaping inside. Everyone else seemed to do the same, and it was all smooth until...

     "Uh...Zants..?" Bigby stepped back from the light, his gaze locked onto his Blaziken friend. Zantai's emotions seemed to already shift from just gazing at his worried friend. 

     "Yeah..?" Zantai neared the midnight Lycanroc in question. His glare locked onto the lightened ground.

     "The noose is gone..."

     Noose..? There was...

     "There was a noose here?" I tilted my head in confusion.

     "Holy shit..." Inu stepped forward and focused her glare to the Lycanroc. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

     "If I did, that would cause even more problems. Anything lethal here could be used—" Bigby was just barely about to finish his statement before...

     "Yeah, I get that...but you realize how suspicious you look for hiding that?" Inu crossed her arms.


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