Chapter 2: There's nothing worse than a liar

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     Sammy's POV

     I was confused. Another Braixen—dare I say a more devilish looking one—stood directly in front of me, a wide smirk staining her features.

     "I have many questions," I raised my paw, the Braixen in front of me shifting her attention to me.

     "I'll answer them right now," she grinned widely at me and snapped her fingers. On queue with her snapping, a line of Gengar and Inteleon phased into sight behind the other Braixen, "because I know some of you will riot, I have these Pokemon preventing you from hurting me."

     "That's not an answer yeh fuckin' slut," Vince slammed his fist against a nearby counter, "I want out!"

     "Let her continue," Xeonix placed a claw against his chin, "I want to see this."

     "Thank you," Sam grinned widely and glared at everyone, her smirk faltering, "you will all be participating in a game!"

     Her words confused me—I didn't sign up for any game show, especially one that made me forgot how I even arrived here in the first place. However, her second sentence made my heart completely drop.

     "A killing game!" Sam added, her loud voice dancing across the walls as she cackled. I couldn't believe the words that escaped Sam's lips.

     "Pfft! You're joking, right?" Nightshade grinned widely as her voice was heard laughing loudly at the Braixen's words. However, her smile faltered upon seeing two of the Inteleon behind the Braixen point their fingers threateningly at her, a small water sphere circling their index fingers.

     "As you can see behind me; I am not joking," Sam smirked widely, her paw waving around in the air, "the rules are..." she began, but her voice trailed off.

     "Actually, I summarize it very briefly..." She giggled silently, "whoever kills someone first, gets to leave! Easy, right?" 

     I gulped, my gaze shifting around to the crowd. Everyone seemed to have the same exact fearful glare, and the group slowly, yet surely dispersed.

     "Kill someone?" Xeonix cracked his knuckles in a threatening manner, "oh, that's easy. What wants it first?" His glare locked on everyone in the room one by one.

     "Stay back!" Inu yelled, "I don't want your dirty paws on me!" The Infernape exclaimed, her flames only growing brighter.

     "I know you won't lay a claw on me," Prince frowned, his sly remark reverberating around the room.

     "Anyway~!" Sam chimed before backing away from the crowd. "You all have two days to murder someone before I do it myself~!" She cheerily called before a Gengar from the line teleported the rest away from the living room.

     Silence stagnated the air, and recollecting upon the situation, everyone seemed to agree on one thing.

     "That was so...sudden," Zantai frowned, leaning against the wooden wall with his arms folded.

     "I don't like where this is going," Luster paced to the middle of the room, "everyone, listen to me right now. No matter what that Braixen says, we will not murder anyone," his powerful voice reverberated in our brains.

     "Are you fucking crazy? She just said she'd murder someone with her little gay army if we don't!" Inu's voice croaked, "I don't want to die!"

     "Okay, how about we all stay calm..! Let's just...explore the area or something!" Loki offered, a soft frown staining her features.

     "Loki's right," Nightshade muttered, "this all can't be's a dream!"

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