Chapter 1: Beautiful Lie

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     I was once presented with a task. A task that—in all of my life—I've never wanted to do. Nothing hurts more than to see family hurt—no, dying in any form.

     This killing game continues—albeit in another universe. However, even if these universes aren't connected in any shape or form, there is still a mystery to solve.

     Can you?


     Zantai's POV

     I tried to live life to the fullest—is what I normally say to everyone who thinks my life is perfect. Around this city littered with Pokemon, I knew everyone that passed by on the streets. Their names, siblings, hell—dare I say where they live. Blaziken normally are seen as rude, serious, and wise...but I'm none of those. I couldn't harm a fly.

     "Yo, Zants!" A Pokemon behind me called. Instead of Zantai, I was known as 'Zants', a cool little nickname given to me. I was known to give many nicknames to others as well, so in return, they handed me one as well.

     "Yo, Bigs!" I smiled back at the Midnight Lycanroc, who seemed to quickly trudge to me. However, his expression seemed worried—no, scared.

     "Heya...I'm sorry I seem off today it's just..." He began, his paws cupping together as he quickly shifted his gaze to the nearly empty streets, "there's something weird going on at my house..."

     "Oh, damn. You want me to come over and check it out...or?" I offered. I'd do anything for my friends; at least anything in my capabilities. This strange sound seemed familiar, almost like someone was breaking into his house, and it could be a threat. The red Lycanroc softly nodded and managed to break out a smile at my offer.

     "Yeah, that'd be cool. I can't really like...go there without hearing it so I came to you," he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, "sorry if I sound like a pussy." He chuckled, causing me to give out a hearty laugh.

     "Nah! It's chill, I get it," I uttered before pacing around the rock type and kept trudging forward, "let's go and head there now." I spoke with confidence as I heard the Lycanroc hum in agreement.

     It only took a few minutes to actually get to his house. It was a modern-looking house, nothing bad, nothing good. To Bigs, it was all he needed.

     "Aight, we're here," I murmured to myself before reaching for the front doorknob.

     "Hold up," Bigs hushed, his paw grabbing my arm. I hummed in confusion as I arched a brow. "Hear that?" He inquired.

     I did hear it. It sounded like machinery; almost like there was the mechanical whirring of a machine turning on inside of his house.

     "You got a fuckin' generator in your house, dog?" I scoffed lightly at the sound, his head shaking.

     "It's a different sound every time...Arceus!" He hissed to himself in annoyance as I shuffled my arm away from his grasp. Quickly, I turned the knob of his house and pushed it open, staring inside. There was nothing but the void staring back at me.


     Hydra's POV

     Today felt wrong. Almost like the area I'm trudging in shouldn't exist...almost like I shouldn't exist in this area right now...

     Mountain Metaphora, a mountain with heavy snow scattered around its rocky base. Upon finally reaching a high area, I let my eyes finally glare down the nearly invisible ground far away below me. Lucario like me always end up meditating in certain areas like these. Places where other Pokemon would never inhabit, places where no one would ever think of visiting. We always had to choose empty areas like these for our safety—due to the fact we stop detecting our surroundings with aura, as we always stop using it to meditate. If a Lucario does not meditate, it can cause stress and utterly painful headaches.

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