Chap. 3: Unintentional Spooning

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Chapter 3

Unintentional Spooning

Leaving Philip was really hard, harder than I thought it would be. The atmosphere in the flat was sad, rain fell heavily outside and the light barely entered the windows. We were both laying on the couch, his body hovering over mine as he kissed down my neck.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, I know it's just three weeks, but god I'm gonna miss you so so bad." I whispered as I felt my eyes water.

He looked up to me, his big brown eyes boring into mine and he frowned.

"Shh. Love, don't cry." He whispered back as he brushed the lonely tear away from my cheek with his thumb.

I buried my head in his shoulder and he brought ourselves back up in a sitting position.

We stayed there for what seemed like hours. Him whispering soft things into my ears and me clinging to his body like a lifeline.

It was going to be the first time we were apart for such a long time. Some might say it wasn't that long, but for us it seemed like forever.

We had been together since we were 18, we had been together for 6 years now. Our lives were moulded into one another, we knew everything about each other, we had our own little routine that we followed every day. We had our little cozy life, and we enjoyed it. So much I had completely forgot what life was without Phil, how it was to go to sleep without his soft breathing soothing me, how it was to have dinner with a wall instead of a wonderful man like him to keep me company. We were more than just a couple, we were one unique individual. We followed the same schedule and the same way of living.

We had been together for so long now, it was only a matter of time before we got married and I knew it. I loved him with every inch of my soul, he had always been here for me, way before Kyle stumbled into my life, and I knew he'd always be there. I wanted to be buried next to him, I wanted to grow old with him, bicker away on our Friday nights on wether we should watch Downtown Abbey for the hundredth time or watch something new.

I wanted to have kids with him, see them run around into our lovely cottage, complain about rain, have book club meetings on Wednesdays evening with all of our annoying arse neighbours and think tea is the solution to every problem on this earth.

"I should go get ready." I finally announced, brushing a tear away.

He squeezed my body one last time and I got up to our bedroom.

When we were finally both at the door, him ready to go to work, me to the airport. We kissed the life out of each other.

"I love you." I breathed out as we parted.

"I love you too." He said kissing the top of my head as we finally took separate ways.

The flight for New York was incredibly shorter than I thought it would be. It probably seemed like it because of Daniel's incessant talking. Not that I minded, I actually loved it. I discovered that I barely knew anything about him. He was actually the sweetest person on this earth, adorable and quite dorky. But it saddened me to see how much of a low self-esteem he had. He was truly brillant and a wonderful person, but every time he talked, he felt the need to explain himself. You could feel it in his voice, the way he tried to control his emotions, making sure he didn't get too overjoyed when he talked about the things he loved. He'd often say something like:

"I should shut up now"

And I'd just plead him to carry on. He mesmerized me, the way he talked with such passion and how much he knew about the things he cared about.

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