Chap. 16: Catatonic

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This one's for you jazz ;)

Chapter 16


It had been a month now since the day that I had told Kyle, and I had become somewhat a little paranoiac.

I followed Philip's every single move, wherever he went, whoever he talked to. I wanted to know every single thing. I wasn't up to the point of actually following him around town, but if it wasn't for the fact of being caught, I would've certainly done it.

I had decided it was best for me to just quit my job at Daniel's sides for obvious reasons. I explained that to Philip by telling him Dan wanted to form a band and was going to close the company. Which was true, in a way. He hadn't questioned it further and I was happy for that.

And despite my new found paranoia, things were going quite great with Philip. Which made me even more on edge, if Kyle was right, then what was Philip supposedly hiding from me? The part about him only dating me to get back at his parents had quite hurt me, to be honest, but at the same time, people change, and so do one's feelings. And I was almost certain that Philip wasn't marrying me just to rebel out on his parents, I mean, we had been together for the past 7 years, wouldn't he have gone for someone more intense than me if he really wished to get a raise out of his parents?

But he had left for a short business trip now, it had already been 3 days that e was away and I didn't know where he was or what he was doing. I never really knew much about his work, now that I come to think about it, I knew he was working hard to become a successful lawyer, but I never knew much about it. He didn't talk about his cases, which was explainable because they needed to stay secret. But even after the trials went on, I still didn't knew what the hell they were about until I saw it on the news, if they were ever on the news. Maybe he was part of a secret company that sold firearms? Or maybe he was part of an underground virgin market?

And so there I was, sitting on my couch, rolled up in a blanket, doing nothing but asking myself questions, wondering and wondering about thousands of little things.

And that is until my phone buzzed on the coffee table, startling me.

I picked it up and read the message that was displayed on the screen.

Janna: I got some news, can I come over?

Instantly, my heart got caught in my throat as my shaking fingers typed an answer rapidly.

me: Sure

In less than 10 minutes, she was knocking at my door and I nearly leaped for it.

I swung the door open and she looked at me with utter confusion.

"What's wrong?" She asked quickly as I tugged her inside.

"What did you find?" I asked ignoring her previous question.

"Nora, you look like you haven't slept in days. Honestly, you look like shit." She told me as she held me at arms length.

"I haven't" I admitted, adverting her gaze. "I've been thinking about this a lot. Now please quit torturing me." I pleaded as she continued to give me that look.

"Nora, please sit down. You look so pale." She said as she dragged me back to the living room.

I caught my own reflexion in the mirror as we passed by and that's when I completely froze.

I was unrecognizable.

My red hair who was usually of a vibrant colour looked so dull, it was like a layer of dust laid upon it. It was all tangled up into a messy bun, and not those cute messy buns you saw everywhere, no, a bird's nest, that's what it was. It looked like I had been sleeping in mud my whole life. My eyes looked like I had been bad-tripping on LSD for the last year, pupils so wide, the hazel of my eyes was nowhere to be found, it was downright scary. And I was pale, so pale, I was nearly translucent, I had always been very fair, but this was a completely new level, it looked like my skin was just a sheet of rice. Not to mention, the horrible state my lips were in, they were so dry, the skin was peeling off of them. They also looked like all the colour had been drained form them.

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