chap. 15: Plotting

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Chapter 15


Surprisingly, of all the people I had to tell, the person with the strongest reaction turned out to be Kyle. He was actually furious, to be light on words.

"you what?" He spat out, as we sat in a small café downtown London. "Are you that much on an idiot?" He asked and I suddenly felt anger rush to the surface.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I asked, frowning.

His disliking of my future husband had become quite obsessive lately, up to the point where he constantly talked badly about him.

People started to look our way. "Why does it have to always be him?" He asked a little calmer. "I know how many things he's done for you, but don't you find it a little weird when he wasn't even mad after you told him you cheated on him?" he asked.

I had broken the news to Philip as soon as I came back from Daniel's. He was upset of course, but not as much as I thought he would be. He told me he forgives me and that we could all make mistakes. After all I was far, lonely an drunk.

"I told him I got drunk in New York and slept with a random dude." I admitted to my best friend.

He rolled his eyes at me. "So you didn't tell him the whole truth." He confirmed.

"And he doesn't have to know." I pressed on.

For some reason, I was suddenly scared Kyle would tell Philip the truth. I didn't know if he wouldn't try to not force on myself the choice he had apparently made for me.

I don't know why he insisted so much on me leaving Phil for Dan.

"I feel like I don't even know half of the story myself." Kyle said, crossing his arms on his chest as he leaned back into his chair.

I sighed, there was no point in lying to Kyle about it, and to be honest I was more than sick of lying to everyone. "We slept together more than once in New York." I admitted.

"I knew it." He exclaimed.

"I tried to stay away from him, it was working perfectly, until the office party." I told him as a small smirk was displayed across his features.

"A classic." He commented.

"Can you shut up, I'm being extremely serious." I said, exasperated.

I was getting sick of him thinking he knew what was best for me and what I should do. He acted so smug, I literally wanted to slap him across the face.

"As am I!" He retorted loudly. "Daniel is perfect for you! Can't you fucking see it? You're so blinded by your prince charming, you didn't even realize how bland he is. He's got nothing. He only started dating you because he wanted to get his parents mad. I didn't tell you then because it looked like he made you happy. I thought than maybe his parents would force him to leave you but they didn't."

I scoffed at his incredibility. "So what? Now he wants to marry me to get back at his parents or something?" I scoffed.

"Maybe." He answered.

"We're not children anymore!" I exclaimed. "It doesn't work that way!"

"He's never really been interested in you, Nora!" He pressed on.

"So why is he fucking marrying me then?" I exclaimed as I threw my hands in the hair.

He wasn't making a single bit of sense.

"There's something about him and I just can't put my finger on it, but I swear Nora, don't marry him!" He said with exasperation.

"Oh yeah? Or maybe you're just being an asshole?" I scoffed back.

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