Chap. 9: Wildfire

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Chapter 9


Our trip to New York was coming to an end. We no longer needed a second bedroom and our list of artists was now fully complete. And since we were done with our main task, we decided to enjoy ourselves a walk in Central Park.

New York was experiencing it's first and heavy snow of the year and it was a truly beautiful sight to see.

Everywhere around us were tourists seeing snow for the first time, kids laughing and screaming as they slipped into the fluffy white substance, lovebirds holding hands as they looked at the snow falling softly.

I secretly looked at dan from the corner of my eyes and suddenly felt a little sad.

We hadn't been much lovers over the past week, still we slept together anytime we had the chance to, but so far it had been strictly out of passion, sexual, and I wondered if I wasn't right about him wanting nothing more than to get into my pants. When we weren't in the same bed, we acted more like friends than anything else and somewhere inside of me, I wished whatever was between us was more romantic.

I secretly longed for him to hold my face in between his hands and just whisper all sorts of sweet nothings to me, even if they were lies...

As if he'd read my mind, I felt something warm slip into my hand. I looked down to see his slender fingers intertwining themselves with mine and my heart skipped a beat.

We ultimately reached the ice skating rink and I looked up at Daniel with a cheeky grin.

"No." He stated as he understood what was the matter with me.

"Aw come on!" I whined as I dragged him towards my goal. "You know you want to." I said laughing.

"I don't even know how to skate!" He stated as I continued to drag his lanky figure towards the station-like shelter to get us some ice-skates.

"I'll teach you!" I smiled back at him.

"You're gonna get us both killed." He mocked me as we got inside.

"You shall know that I am pretty good at ice skating." I said.

Being the polite human being he was, he paid for the both of us and we put on our skates.

When we reached the rink, I got onto the ice without any problem. But when I turned around, Dan looked absolutely frightened.

I laughed at him and he looked back at me with gigantic blue eyes wide opened.

I held out my hand to him. "Come on. I'll catch you." I smiled brightly, holding my laughter in.

He put a foot on the ice and instantly grasped my hand. I gave him the other one too for more balance which he gladly took.

"This is absolute fucking madness." He said looking at me completely terrified.

"Come on, put your other foot on the ice." I encouraged him.

After a minute or so, he finally did and I skated back a little bit to give space for the other people to come in.

He let out a funny scared sound and I laughed at him again.

"Don't do that!" He exclaimed, staring at me like I was about to lit the whole place on fire.

"Okay okay." I sighed trying to stop myself from laughing. "Just put your feet parallel to one another." He obeyed. "Now slightly bend your knees. I'm going to drag you."

He frowned at me in confusion and uncertainty.

"I'm a lot heavier than you." He said still incredulous.

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