Chap. 14: Broken Glass

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Chapter 14

Broken Glass

"Daniel?" I called out as I pushed the door of his apartment open.

I was greeted by the sound of a soft tune being played on a piano. I retrieved my key from the door quietly and closed it.

I walked further into the apartment listening as his voice finally echoed through the gigantic flat.

I was the match and you were the rock

Maybe we started this fire

We sat apart and watched

All we had burned on the pyre

I walked to the door of his office and watched him carefully as his slender fingers danced across the ivories. I observed as they folded and straightened, flying from one note to another, making the veins on his hands more prominent than ever. His complete attention was devoted to the instrument, pain written across his features as the words flew out of his mouth, the emotions transmitted to his breathy husky voice, each one of the notes more magnificent than the other. His blue eyes were glued to his hands, they were filled with sadness, two stormy seas illuminated by the colours of the sun dying behind the skyscrapers. His hair was a complete mess, all around, some parts still standing up straight as ever, others, hanging for their life as Dan jerked his head around whilst he sang.

Oh I would certainly miss him.

I waited until he finished singing to make my presence known.

I gently knocked on the door frame and his head instantly shot up from the piano.

His eyes met mine and their brilliance rivalled with the colours of the sky, they outshone the sunset by all means.

"Hey." He greeted cheerfully. "I uhm, I wasn't expecting you." He fumbled with his words as he clumsily got up, kicking around discarded paper balls onto which, I was sure, were written lyrics that would make any heart sink.

"I know." I almost whispered back.

When he approached me, I bit my lip forcefully. When I agreed to marry Philip nearly a week ago now, I didn't expect telling Dan would be so hard. Some part of me, I know, didn't want to let go of him, he was so precious in every way, but I knew it was for the greater good. He would find, one day, someone that had more to offer him than me, someone who would love him fully, not someone who would sleep with him and then discard him as if nothing. I was an horrible person for him, he deserved better than a girl like myself, he needed someone who would cherish him and adore him for all that he was, never, ever, as a simple lover, an option you can chose when you feel somewhat unsatisfied with your life.

When he saw the sad expression displayed across my features, he frowned and was in front me, holding my hands in his', in less than a second.

"What's wrong, love?" He asked so kindly, his eyes searching mine for an answer.

I immediately looked away. I couldn't bear to look in his eyes as I broke his heart, so I just threw myself in his arms. I held onto him forcefully, my arms circling his waist, his hands tangling in my long red hair.

I softly cried onto the shoulder of his black T-shirt as he gently rocked us back and forth, trying to calm me so I could speak.

"I'm sorry." I choked out. "I'm so sorry."

His big hands rubbed my back tenderly. "What happened?" He softly asked.

"I.." I sobbed out as his scent filled my nostrils.

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