Chap. 12: Broom Closets

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Chapter 12

Broom Closets

The weeks that preceded Christmas flew by like a breeze. I had never been that busy before. People were constantly coming in and out of the office without a single break. Daniel was closing so many deals that he had to turn down lots of people because the record companies couldn't keep up with the crazy tempo.

At home, things had changed too. I was more distant with Philip for obvious reasons that my heart wouldn't let go of. When he asked me why, I simply told him that I was insanely tired from work lately, which was true, but not the real truth.

The dreadful day of Christmas was quickly looming around the corner. All my presents were wrapped up and my suitcases ready to leave for Ireland for a long tormenting week.

But before that, I had to attend the classical and unavoidable office party.

We were the 23rd, it was barely 10 pm, snow was heavily falling outside, mistletoe was hanging down the celling from everywhere and most of my co-workers were now all pretty tipsy.

I was actually enjoying myself a lot, despite a couple mishaps that happened when we were playing games earlier that night. Much to Dan and I's despair, the games implied a lot of touching, and as if hazard wanted to make us suffer, we ended up touching each other more than anybody else.

Things were quieting down a bit now as we were graced by an amazing buffet.

I was enjoying my meal when Dan showed up next to me.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" He whispered in my ear as his hand wrapped over my shoulder sending shivers down my spine.

"Sure." I said without looking up to him.

I felt his lips smile against my ear before he pulled back and headed for the elevator.

I was slightly concerned about what he wanted to talk to me about, though I was relieved he didn't ask me to meet him in the broom closet or something like that. I really hoped he only wanted to talk.

We rode the elevator in a comfortable silence. His arm kept brushing past mine. I could feel the heat emanating from his body.

We walked out into the eerily quiet lobby and when the elevator's doors closed, there were only the lights of the streets to cast a soft light upon us.

I turned around and observed him while he approached me. Rays of light from cars passing by ran across his body illuminating his features for a fraction of as second before plunging him into darkness once again.. He brushed a hand through his crazy hair as he stood in front of me.

I watched as his chest rose and fell quietly, the air entering and exiting his lungs through his thin lips. He licked them slowly as his eyes met mine.

They looked absolutely breathtaking, as usual, they were momentarily illuminated by the cars' headlights, shinning despite the darkness, a mystic dark blue like a starry night sky.

I swallowed as he opened his mouth to talk. "I just wanted to say merry christ-"

I wondered for I second why he had suddenly stopped talking when I realized I was the one who had shut him up... with my mouth, on his.

My hands had roughly grabbed his face to yank him down to my height where my lips had instinctively found his'.

I don't know why I did it, I wasn't even thinking about kissing him. It sort of just happened, as if my brain had short-circuited.

I found myself unable to pull back, as if I had lost complete control over myself.

His long arms instantly wrapped around my back, not even questioning a single second my actions. They wrapped completely around my frame smashing my body into his'.

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