Chap. 2: Seven Days

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Chapter 2

Seven Days

That night, when I got home, I didn't have the courage to say it to Philip right away. I knew he would upset. But at some point I had to tell him. We were cuddled up on the couch, my legs across his lap, watching a movie together, when the idea of hiding something from him kept coming back again and again in the back of my mind. I had totally forgot about the movie when I spoke up.

"We need to talk." I said, more sternly that I intended to. "Please." I added, more softly.

He grabbed the remote, paused the movie and his warm brown eyes landed on me.

He frowned. "Is there something wrong?"

I gave him a small smile. "The company landed a huge contract with Atlantic records."

"Love, this is great!" He exclaimed. "Why are you so serious?" he asked and I sat up from the arm of the couch.

I played with his fingers. "Because I'll have to accompany my boss to New York. And I'll be gone for three weeks." I added the last part quickly.

He looked down to our hands, it clearly bothered him. "What do you want me to say? I can't keep you locked here. New York is a beautiful city and I know you're extremely dedicated to him. More than I'd like to."

He looked back into my eyes and I leaned in, pressing my lips to his' as if saying sorry. I was never one for words, I believed that if two people really loved each other, they could communicate with just a couple words, just looks and touches. You had to be completely transparent for the other, bare your soul for them to see. Pure love, without lies nor artifices.

"Thank you." I whispered and he kissed me again. My fingers tangled themselves in his short dirty blonde hair and he pressed his lips harder against mines.

"When are you leaving?" He whispered against my lips, pulling back for a second before kissing me again.

"In a week." I breathed and he pulled back one more time, this time looking at me right in the eyes.

I felt uneasy.

"Then better make this last week worth it." He said as he started kissing down my neck.

6 days.

I spent the whole day preparing, calling, checking everything. It seemed very surreal. I knew the company was starting to get pretty recognized, but I was far from the truth. I didn't know anything about the money that Daniel won from those contracts, it was the accounting's job. My job was to assist Daniel, bring him what he wants, answer his calls, plan his schedule and many other things. And now that I think about it I was pretty well paid, our offices were located in the middle of London and they were quite modern. We had close business relationships with Virgin Records and Daniel kept getting contracts. He evaluated talent with such precision that never once had he been wrong. When the giants wanted an advice they asked him, when they wanted fresh blood they asked him. Now that I think about it, Daniel was pretty much the heart of new music, he controlled, without anyone noticing, which artists became big and which didn't.

And now Atlantic Records was paying us a whole three weeks trip to New York.

I looked at the clock, and got up from my desk picking up my coat and went to Daniel's office adjacent of mine. He was facing the huge window that overviewed London, texting quickly on his phone when I knocked on the door. That's one thing I liked about buildings, those huge ass windows that left no room for exterior walls, all that was between you and the exterior world was a piece of  glass.

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