Chap. 18: Perfect

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Chapter 18


It was around 8 PM, when Daniel's friend showed up.They were all so nice and lovely. Most of them were artists too...

There was the insanely nice Ralph and his equally nice and crazy bandmates. Emily, an awfully quiet but lovely singer. Sophie, who I wasn't sure what she did but was a great friend of Dan's. William, an awfully charming bassist full of wisdom. Chris, a lively drummer that talked so fast in a thick plymouth accent, it was almost impossible to understand anything out of his frantic banter. Of course, the wonderful Janna was also there. And last but not least, a lanky bloke with a crazy moustache that went by the name of Kyle.

It was about 9 when he finally showed up. We were all sitting around Dan's gigantic marble kitchen island when he popped up from behind me.

"Kyle!" I nearly squealed when I saw his face. I threw myself in his arms. "I'm so sorry about what happened between us I-" I started rambling as he swayed us from side to side.

"No need for that Pumpkin, I've been a dick too." He interrupted me before I could continue.

I was truly sorry though, for everything that I had said to him. He only wanted the best for me, which I couldn't see at first, but now I was starting to realize that he was maybe right.

It had been months, years, I hadn't been with people my age, just to chat and have some fun... I was laughing, genuinely laughing, I was making jokes, acting crazy... I hadn't realized until then how serious I had been for the past few years, Philip and I never fooled around like we were teenagers again, everything was so grown up and mature, it was comfortable yes, but was it really what life should be about?

And then I got my answer.

Everyone was laughing and speaking animatedly, when I got lost in my own thoughts once again. I thought about all the wrongs and the rights, about everything I could think about.

My happiness was beginning to slip again when fingers found their way to mine and a pair of concerned mesmerizing blue eyes landed on my face.

"Are you alright, love?" Daniel discretely whispered to me.

And just like that, it was like a spark ignited inside of me.

I smiled at Daniel and nodded.

"Are you tired?" He asked again, unsure if I was being honest.

I quickly glanced at the clock to realize that it was nearly 3 in the morning. "Yes, but I'm alright." I answered.

But as soon as the words left my mouth, he was too concerned to let it slip.

He waited until the conversation died down a bit to announce that maybe it was time to go to sleep. Without any question or bitterness, the group of friends said their goodbyes and left as cheerful as they had came.

Once the door closed Daniel's gleaming eyes scanned my face. "So?" He asked impatiently. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"I had one of the loveliest time, Daniel." I told him, and a smile illuminated his face. They made the small laughter lines at the corner of his eyes stretch out to the outlines of his face like fine threads of sunlight. He was beautiful in any single way. "Thank you, so so much." I added as I stepped forward to circle my arms around his midsection.

His hands found my short hair where he planted a soft kiss. "You more than deserved it, Nora." He commented quietly as I slowly pulled back.

I nearly scoffed. "I don't deserve anything if you ask me."

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