The Finale

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Ryan's PoV
Blood. Everywhere. Too much, that you can't look away. For it will always be in my mind. A mental image glued to our memories forever. It was a horrific sight. Too much to cope with. So much to cope with. But a sense of relief. Because if it wasn't for Hannah.. He wouldn't be here standing in front of me, 8 months later marrying the love of his life. It was a horrible situation for everyone, none of us got to say proper goodbyes to the girl who was in our lives for barely a month. This girl, who meant the whole world to us four. If it wasn't for Hannah I wouldn't have got over Emily and when she came back, I probably would have been captured under her spell and god knows how fucked I would have been.

The police arrested Emily and her accomplices. She's currently serving a life sentence in jail and seeing a regular mental therapist. Andy came out of the hospital all well and alive. He woke up just hours after the incident. He was traumatised. He locked himself in his room for a few weeks. But in the end, he wrote a few songs and never spoke of her again. Joel apologised to Adam for being the worlds biggest dipstick and he's been in a committed relationship ever since. Whereas I on the other hand, I'm still caught up in the whole incident. Not because Hannah is dead. Because there was a letter. That only I know exists. I found it in the hand that didn't hold the gun. It was addressed to Andy but of course, he'll never know.
~~~~~Hannah's Last Note~~~~~
I went to see you today at the hospital, I don't know if you remember. But I said there wouldn't be a letter. Well I changed my mind due to unlikely circumstances, here it is. I knew from day one you was going to be the tricky one, you were blatantly rude to me and showed no signs of interest. Now I'm not saying this in a slutty "omg I need the d" way, but you were the one I wanted. Always. My heart belonged to you. We we're the match made in heaven that everyone wanted to be. But fate has intervened. This, Andy Brown is my last goodbye to you. I will always love you.
Forever yours,
Hannah xx

The end.
Author's note
My apologises for the long wait for the ending! There's no excuse, this story/fanfic was doomed from the start. I have always been catastrophic at organising and planning absolutely anything. If you think I should start a new story for the new year, please let me know in the comments! Perhaps I could do something shorter? Imagines? Or maybe next time I should have a clear idea of my plot!🙈 don't be afraid to comment though! Thanks for reading and have a very happy new year!

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