The revelation

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Joel's PoV

As the door bell goes I shout,

"I'll get it princess!" Damn I love calling Hannah that.

I open the door and welcome the boys in.

"Where's Hannah.. you haven't hidden her away have you?" Ryan asks.

I chuckle "Ha, nah dude she's getting changed.. speaking of getting changed, I heard you brought my lucky one?"

"Yeah man, but seriously you gotta cut the lucky one out. It doesn't sound good for your image" Andy says passing over my gorgeous suit. I just shoot him the look to show him that this shit just got real. Whilst the boys sit themselves on the sofa I head upstairs to get ready.

Hannah's PoV

Joel's just let the boys in and all of a sudden I'm so nervous. I'm trembling fast like a small child in winter. I'm reassuring myself that everything will be fine, yet something tells me that this will be a catastrophe.. But I won't let this get to me. Not tonight. I look in my wavy-style wall length mirror, my ruby red dress hugs my body perfectly and compliments my figure. It's the right length and fortunately goes well with a lot of my jewelry! I decide to wear a few shiny, gold bangles, a diamond necklace and earrings to match. Also to hide my cuts on my wrists I wear a cropped, black leather jacket. I choose to wear black heels with studs on the back and to stay with the theme I pick out my black Ted Baker clutch, which coincidentally is leather..

After spending forever on what clothes to wear I decide I should stay as neutral as possible and throw in a few colours here and there. I put a vibrant red lipstick on my lips and I pout a few times pretending to be cute and stuff. I have a reasonable length hair so I choose to curl the ends for a wavy effect. Before heading downstairs I squirt a bit of dior on myself and twirl a few times just for the sake of it.

"Hannah?" Joel calls from outside my door.

"Come in!"

As he opens he door and looks at me his face give off a gobsmacked look. I giggle and say, "It's only me!"

" ..Wow you look beautiful"

I smile. " Why thank you Joely" I take his arm and we walk downstairs. The boys leap off the sofa as soon as they see me come into the living room. They all look stunned, I look to Joel and ask, "Are they always like this?" Joel laughs and the boys notice what's going on.

"Hannah.. You look amazing!" Ryan exclaims as if he's discovered something undiscovered.

"Yeah, Ryan is right. You look gorgeous darling" Andy smiles.

I look to Adam. " Er, yeah whatever they said" He tries looking away but Joel spots this, and asks polietly.

"Ads can I talk to you outside?"

"Sure" He murmured. I wonder why he's so shy around me, he seems like such a nice guy.

Adam's PoV

I give out the loudest sigh after I step outside with Joel. I know what's coming up so I better embrace myself.

"Dude, what the actual fuck. I cannot believe you just did that!"

"Really? That's the best you can come up with? Have you for once actually opened your flipping eyes to notice that stuff affects me as well, but I guess you were too busy with playing games you forgot about your bandmates."

"Games? Ads, I never play games. That's just not who I am." Joel pathetically defends himself.

"Don't Ads me, we all know about Penelope and how you've been cheating on her with Beatrice.. "

"That was a mistake.."

" Really? A mistake? How comes you still see both of them regularly and seem to always be texting them.." I start to walk back to the house.

" Whatever, I don't need them anymore now that I have Hannah." My head turns around.

"You and Hannah..?" I am confused so much.

" Yep we're a thing now and you can't stop me from doing stuff to her you want to do, even if it means I have to pretend."

"So you don't love her.."

" Of course not! Don't be silly, who could love her beside you? She's so talent-less and ugly. Plus the amount of mental problems she has is just messed up like a load of dog poo."

"What's even happened to you Joel, you used to be so kind and down to earth. But all I see in front of me is a man who even God would resent."

" If only you knew Ads. But I guess you'll never know seeing as you can't put up a fight to save your own damn life."

I am fuming at Joel, he's such a flipping jerk. I want to punch him so hard but I resist the temptation and I decide to go back inside. Like he said I can't put up a fight to save my own life but I can protect Hannah from that monster.


A/N~ Sorry for the boring start it was a small filler, I now have a rough plot-line in my head so I will be updating as much as I can and I will try to make the updates at long as I can. Thanks for reading, keep voting and commenting! :) x

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