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Hannah's PoV

First day of my internship and its at my local radio station.! Eep I don't think my week could be better. I wonder who I will meet...what if I meet..Lawson? I can't even.. My life would just be so complete if I got to meet THE Andy Brown, I mean his voice is so alluring in interviews and don't get me started on his singing!! Oh my days I must not forget about Ryan's looks, Adam's humor and Joel's cuteness. Urgh they're all just so perfect! I look at my modern clock for the time *8:30* Shit..I'm going to be late!

Andy's PoV

We just got told that we have to make our own tea because the new intern couldn't be bothered to turn up to her first day of work. Pathetic, people just don't make an effort anymore. Ryan tries to make a point, "Oi mate cheer up least we aren't in a club and the owner says we can't have any drinks 'cause the barmaid isn't there"

"Haha, suppose you're right. But I'm not upset just 'cause the bloody intern isn't here making any tea... I guess I still feel shaken up know"

"Say no more, tonight we shall go out not as a band but four bachelors celebrating your freedom, I mean come on who needs girls when we have money!" Joel says with a smug look. A blonde slim woman with headphones on calls us into the booth.

Hannah's PoV

Running up to the receptionist I try to catch my breath. "Hi, um I'm the new er intern?" I say with uncertainty. "hmm you're late, head upstairs and its your second right, you better apologize for your tardiness. It's sort of frowned upon here if you repeat it unless you have a reasonable pay." The grey haired woman frowns at me and pushes her glasses up. Urgh what a snob, I head towards where I think I'm going to be working for a few weeks, that's if I don't screw up my opportunity.

A/N I apologize for such a short and rubbish start I promise if this story doesn't get any better I will just create a different story with a complete different storyline. Please comment your thoughts, opinions, criticism, tips, basically anything you want :)

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