Closer and closer

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Joel's PoV
We wave off Andy and Ryan as they leave. I look as Hannah. Poor thing she looks vulnerable now they've left. I hug her from behind resting my chin on her sweet shoulder.
"Joel?..." She softly whispers.
"Yeah?" I reply.
"Do you want to stay the night? I mean like you.."
I interrupt "Yes, I'd love to." Hannah turns around and smiles.
"Thanks, Joely" She smirks. Gently, I kiss her forehead.

Hannah's PoV
*Next day*
Snuggling with Joel on my sofa feels great but I only see him as a friend. I think I should tell him before he gets the wrong idea, but I have no idea how! Panic rushes through my veins. I think I must been breathing fast or something as Joel asks,
"Babe, are you alright?" He has a puzzled look on his face, it kinda looks cute. But I have to tell him right now.
"No, not really. It's just I haven't had company in like forever! And I guess I just feel weird that you, Joel Peat is in my house. It kinda makes me think that you aren't here to just be friend zoned..."
Joel looks shocked, " Hannah, I am not one of those guys. Sure I may have a crush on you but your feelings will always come before mine. And at the moment you could do with a friend and that's what I'm going to be."
"Woah, thanks Joel. You're so understanding! I wish most guys were like you!"
"Anything for you princess." He kisses my forehead and brings me in for a cute cuddle.

Ryan's PoV
The party has died down a bit but mind it was a bit dead anyway so it didn't really make a difference. Shame really that the party vibe wasn't high like normal. Bored out of my mind I text Hannah.

Hey Bae, how are you doing?xx

*5 minutes later*

Fine, I guess I could with a fancy night out or something xx

Wow she actually replied!

Hmm let me see what I can do about that ;) xx

I put my phone down and tell Ads and Andy to put on something smart. I go for a quick shower, restyle my hair with some gel (honestly I don't know what I'd do without hair gel it's my life saver) Next thing I do is I try to figure out which damn suit to wear. After dreadful moments of decisions I pick out my favourite suit, a classic Giorgio Armani. I send Hannah a quick text.

We're on our way. Wear your very best ;) Also could you tell 'Joely' we're bringing over his lucky one, much appreciated :* xx

She replies instantly.

Ooh you are up to something aren't you Ryan Fletcher, can't wait ;) By the way, 'Joely' screamed way too high when I mentioned his lucky one... this better be worth it ;) xx

Haha, Hannah just cracks me up. She is a born entertainer.

I promise you darling tonight will be the best night of your life<3 xx

As I send the text I get a feeling inside telling me that this is my chance to be the person I have never been. To make up for my mistakes and be forgiven.

To start over.

A/N~ So sorry the story has been so crap recently but I promise it will get better soon. Also I won't be updating as regularly for a while but hopefully I shall do weekly updates if I get the time so please keep reading, voting, commenting and following! Thank you so much :* xx

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