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*2 weeks later*

Andy's PoV

Hannah is back home with us thank God. We've let her stay with us until she starts to feel better. She seems so different now. She used to act like this really outgoing and active girl but now I can barely see the remains of what used to be. She just sits on the sofa all day long staring at one wall. She won't even come outside for some fresh air. Hannah will try to avoid conversation if she can otherwise she'll just stick to mainly one word answers.

Ryan has been trying so hard to fix things but it always ends up with either an argument so Ryan storms off, or Hannah will burst into so much tears that she can't talk for a few hours. Adam will comfort Hannah whenever Ryan isn't there but he never tries to get any answers. Whereas Joel will try to avoid Hannah as much as possible which is blatantly so rude. Me on the other hand, I'll just sing songs to her and try to make her laugh with my best dad jokes.

Speaking of Joel avoiding Hannah, he's been doing to us all a lot lately. He says he's just doing random stuff, but today he told us he wants us to meet someone. Apparently it's very important, but he won't tell us who it is. I'm not that bothered to be frank it's just I hate it when the boys keep stuff from me. It makes me more furious than you can imagine. My phone vibrates.


Come upstairs??Pweassee🙈xxx

Wow, Hannah hasn't sent me a text in ages. She must be starting to feel better! I head up the stairs in my joggers. I stop at my room first because I don't have a top on. Wouldn't want anyone walking in on us in that situation.. I go for a plain white tee that I found scrunched up on the floor. I go into the hallway and knock on Hannah's door, firmly three times.

"Come innn!" Hannah says in a really cheery tone. I open the door slowly to see Hannah sitting crossed legged in the middle of her bed, just scrolling through Instagram.

"Hey Hunny Bunny, how ya doin?" I join her on the bed.

"Well," She pauses for a moment. " I was thinking about how most of your songs are mostly allegories"

"Wow... yeah I guess. It's just they are always based on real things and it's the best way to interpret them. Into metaphors."

"What's your favourite metaphor?"

" Probably William Wordsworth's, Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart." She laughs at me..

" Have you like memorised that for this moment or something Andy Brown?"

I raise my eyebrows. " Of course not! I just like iconic metaphors that's all."

"Haha, I like this new side of you!" Hannah starts to lean in and whispers into my ear like she's doesn't want to wake anyone up even though it's 10am. "Maybe you could show me some more new stuff soon." She gets up and leaves the room. God damn it she is so sneaky!

Joel's PoV

This is it! The lads and Hannah are finally going to meet Emily, I could not be more nervous. What will happen if they don't like her or if she doesn't like them? I don't want to have to choose them, they both mean everything to me. Emily should be here any moment and everyone is sat in the living room watching some unicorn program.. I swear they all act like 5 year olds but to be honest it is a pretty decent show compared most of the crap I see these days. I check my outfit in a mirror by the front door. I've chosen to wear black skinny and a plain grey v-neck t-shirt to show a bit of my chest.

Ryan's PoV

*Ding dong*

Before I manage to get up, Joel's shouts to us saying he'll get the door. Boy is he eager. I give Adam and Andy a gripping look to show that I sense chaos is on its way. Intwining my fingers with Hannah's we head towards the door to meet the person Joel wants us to meet. As I glance towards the doorway my eyes meet with someone I'd hope I never had to meet again. Emily. I cough slightly and turn around to face Hannah. "Sorry I can't do this." And I walk away.

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