Being a liability

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//Sort of unedited\\

Emily's PoV

I've sorted out Adam and got one of my guys to deal with Andy. Yet I still feel so empty. None of this is satisfying me. Even though this is what I have been dreaming of for years and years. Perhaps once I've got rid of Ryan I'll finally feel complete. However the guy that dealt with Andy told me he saw Ryan get arrested for assaulting a police officer. I didn't realise Ryan was an actual Rhino. I mean I knew of his short temper, but to knock a cop down. Well now that's a whole new level.

Reaching Ry at the moment will be hard but maybe I can try and take down that revolting new bitch who doesn't deserve a chance at life. I reckon it will be a easy job. Seeing as she's so fucking careless. Like she isn't aware how ugly she is, she thinks it okay to wander around a house full of boy in trackies. Ugly trackies. She bring no good to anyone at all. She's a liability to this universe, always has been and always will be.

Hannah's PoV

"I'm a fucking liability Joel. Just face it, I've never saved anyone. I've only watched them crash and burn right in front of me."

"None of those situations could've been avoided."

"Yeah, they would of happened if I didn't exist. That's why I've tried to end my life so many times. I've had to watch my own friends and family suffer because of me."

"What happened Hannah?"

"My family died in a car crash after dropping me off at the airport. I was going to move to Canada to start a new life. To start fresh and turn a new leaf.. When I was fourteen, my best friend got shot by jumping in front of me to protect me. He got shot in the heart, the paramedics didn't get there in time. There was no chance to save him. Ten years before that, my auntie was babysitting me. She asked me if I wanted to see something, of course I replied with a yes. She blew her piece of bubblegum then I thought she was meant to swallow it as part of a trick. I knew something was wrong when she started to hold her hands to her neck and made unusual sounds. I just laughed. The whole time I thought it was a joke. I laughed at my aunties death..I can't stand living with that anymore. Every time I think about it I feel like my body is turning in on itself and every organ starts disagreeing with everything. I feel as if I've been shot right in the deepest part of my soul. But it's not that deep anymore. Every time I lost someone I love, I'd lose a part of myself."

Joel just stares at me. "Didn't your mam tell you it's rude to stare?" Joel leans in to whisper to me.

"Princess, you are worth every star in the universe. You have gone through so much darkness in your life, you deserve some light. I know I'm no glittery fairy godmother, however I have a very successful job that pays extremely well. Plus I'm on every town's A-list. I can't give you answers but I can help you. I want to make you feel loved and wanted. And I won't let your beautiful body become haunted by uninvited demons." He plants a kiss on my check and gets up to check his phone in the other room. Maybe he is right. Perhaps I am actually worth something for once.

Joel's PoV

Everything has changed so drastically, however I haven't felt this amazing in ages! I feel like for once I have a chance with Hannah. I wanted to stay with her for a while longer but I got a text from Emily. I couldn't risk reading it in front of Hannah, not at the moment. I grab my phone out of my pocket to read the text.

**Hey gorgeous, sorry I had to vanish instantly. Adam insisted that I should let him take me to some love making park. But he lied to my face and ended up gang banging me with the local hobos in some nearby alley. Much love, will see you later gorgeous :* xxx**

What fucking garbage did I just read? Surely neither Emily or Adam would participate in such disgusting activities! I'm am so done with this shit Emily has brought onto us. She doesn't have any respect for me at all. Emily has never really gave a shit about anyone. Ever. I swear the next time I see her sorry ass I'm going to dump her so bad that she'll never recover from it. Once I deal with Emily I can finally sort my life out for the first time.

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