Pefect timing

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Hannah's PoV

I am so freaked out at the moment I had to drive Andy to the hospital because he fainted and remains unconcious. Ryan and Adam help carry Andy in(Well mostly Ryan) We tell the receptionist about what happened and then she replies with something quite shocking..

"Oh yeah we were expecting Mr Brown, however not in an unconcious state."All of us looking so puzzled she tells us that Joel is in a critical conditon after being in a car crash. This is almost unbearable to deal with. The worst part is the doctors doubt he'll actually survive. My heart breaks into a milion pieces.

I vaguely hear Ryan ask for the room number and straight away he runs off. Whereas on the other hand Adam just stands there with a straight face. Not remotely bothered. However I can't deal with his problems right now. So instead I run off to Andy who still lies motionless in the eerie hospital bed. I sob hard whilst firmly holding his lifeless hands with my feeble ones. He looks so peaceful and sweet. You wouldn't be able to tell that he has to deal with a shitload, apart from the gigantic lump on his forehead. Now that looks painful.

After a while Ryan joins me . He looks absolutely devastated. Bless him, he's going throught so much stuff that no person should ever have to experience. I stand up to give him a hug, to comfort him. We He holds on so tight and breaks the painful silence "Please don't leave me." I step back to look into his eyes. Bloodshot. Poor thing, he's torn. I gently whisper back, "I won't." Standing on my tiptoes I kiss his cheek. Ryan pulls me in for another hug and buries his face into the top of my head.

Ryan's PoV

This feels so right. I want to ask Hannah out but I'm such an emotional wreck at the moment. I just don't want to push her away from me like I've always done in the past in other relationships. I've made too many mistakes that I regret so much. Maybe this is my chance to right the wrongs and make myself a better man that I could've been. I want to show Hannah how much she means to me. However I spoke to Adam whilst on my way here and he told me about the disturbing things Joel told him. I just can't believe he has been such a douche all this time, I mean I knew he's was a player and everything. But to plan a despicable plan involving Hannah who is completely oblivious it's just absolutely revolting. When Joel wakes up he's not going to know what's hit him.

Adam's PoV

I can't stand this. Two of my best friends are both in hospital bed unable to show signs of life. Only the life support is keeping Joel here. Whereas Andy will hopefully soon come to, otherwise it could be more bad news for us all. I understand I shouldn't be calling Joel my best mate anymore but something tells me I shouldn't kill him over this whole thing. I'm still mad at him, I just guess my weakness overpowers me, making me this weakling I am today. But in ways I'm glad I don't have a short temper like Andy or Ryan. It's just I think I'd be a much worse person. Not that it makes anyone bad or anything, it would just be nice if anger didn't exist. Anyway enough of that bullshit, I should check in on Andy first to see how he's holding up.

As I nervously walk down the corridors I turn to a halt. Cause I realise what if Andy wakes up and doesn't remember me. The doctors said he fell pretty hard to the ground so there's a chance he's lost some of his memories. The same goes for Joel, but it's for the best if he loses at least some of his memories I guess. Although maybe there is a reason behind all his evil thoughts and words. But I put that shit to the back of my mind. Forcing myself, I manage to enter Andy's room. My heart sinks. Right in front of my own eyes I see Hannah kissing Ryan on the cheek but they don't see me. So I leave them, as if I was never there.


Authors note.

I apologise for such a crap update. Today has been so boring I just needed something to fill up my time. Next update I'm going to clear up the storyline up a bit so hopefully everything makes a bit more sense. Please vote and comment if you like/dislike this story. Thanks :) xx

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