Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

I walked into the kitchen and over to the window that looks out onto the back yard. Louis has just made it to Lana, throwing herself into his arms as violent sobs rake through her body. Hearing the sobs from the open window breaks my heart as I watch my best friend hold her tightly, doing everything for her I should have.

I walked outside but stopped in my tracks as I heard them talking.

"Why doesn't he love me Louis?" She sobbed as she clung onto my best friend for dear life.  My heart ached as I watched their interaction.  I did this, she is this upset because of me.  Once again. 

No matter what I do, I always manage to fuck up.  I was just being honest though, I don't know if I love her, I don't even know if I'm capable of loving someone.  If anyone was going to break that barrier, it would be Lana.  She is truly the best person I have ever met, I know she's too good for me, I know I'm ruining her.

I turn away and walk back inside, towards my office. I quickly send a text to the boys and send an alert out to my men, we need as many as we can possibly get for this war.  As I was finishing up and standing up from my desk the door to my office slammed shut and a very angry Louis was stood in front of me.

"Sit the fuck down." He said through gritted teeth.  I raised my eyebrows at him, shocked that he spoke to me like that, in that tone.  His facial expression was not changing from the one he had right now, rage, so I slowly sat back in my chair and crossed my arms in front of me.

"You either need to get your shit together or let her go back home where she belongs.  I've had that girl crying to me because of you one to many times." 

"What am I supposed to say Louis?  I don't love her, why would I lie to her?" I asked as I shook my head at him.  He threw his arms in the air in defeat and turned away and back to the door, opening it before turning back to me once more.

"One day Harry, you are going to stop lying to yourself and see you do love her and see that you lost her because you were too much of an asshole to see what was right in front of you.  You just better hope you live through her dad to earn her forgiveness or you will just end up lonely and bitter.  I love you like a brother kid but right now I fucking hate you."  He said before walking out of my office, leaving me sat absolutely gobsmacked at what he said.

I am quite literally speechless.

I have no idea how much time has passed before I could lift my jaw off the floor and leave the office. As I'm making my way down the hallway I hear the front door open and speed up, seeing Louis and Lana walking out the door. I run to catch up with them and grab Lana's arm.

"Where are you going?" I asked frantically, looking between her and Louis. She lifts her head to look at me and when I see her eyes she really looks broken. I finally did it, I broke the one person I care about.

"Away from you Harry.  She doesn't deserve to be treated like shit just because you won't open your eyes.  C'mon sweetie."  Louis answered for her before gesturing for her to follow him.

I looked at Lana, silently begging her not to leave me. I held onto her hand with all I have, never taking my eyes off hers.

After a lot of effort on her side, she managed to pull her hand free from mine as more tears welled in her eyes. She moved her hair from her face and turned to Louis and took his hand, holding onto it tightly as he led her over to his car.

I felt my eyes beginning to sting as I watched them, not knowing how to deal with this.  Not knowing how to, as Louis said, stop lying to myself and open my eyes.  I don't understand feelings as well as normal people do, I haven't been loved since that asshole took my family away from me, I haven't loved anything since then either.  I forget how it feels in all honestly.

As I watched them drive away from me I could no longer stop the tears from leaving my eyes, I quickly wiped at my eyes.  I haven't cried since I was fourteen.

I stormed inside my house again and made my way back to my office. I sent a message to everyone of my men, including all the boys, to be at the warehouse tomorrow afternoon at 1pm.

I then grabbed my personal phone and went to my recent calls, pressing the number Lana had dialled yesterday morning and waited patiently as the phone rang.

"Hello? Lana? Is that you baby?" He said through the phone, the sound of his voice making my stomach churn and blood boil.

"Good evening Mr Grey" I said calmly as I lean back in my chair and prop my feet up on my desk.

"Where the fuck is my daughter?" He seethed down the phone, making me chuckle bitterly.

"You know you should really be nicer to the guy that holds your daughters life in your hands. Bit silly don't ya think?"

"Cut the shit Harry. Touch a single hair on her head and you'll get exactly what your mum and sister got."

"Save that for tomorrow, maybe if your nice there will be a chance of sweet little Lana getting to at least die fast. Then you can try do whatever you want to me."

And with that, I simply hang up and text the number the address.

Tomorrow will be fun.

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