LO 𒊹︎︎︎ Scout Leader Steve! ft. Avengers

Start from the beginning

"This is ridiculous." Bucky sighed as he stood beside Steve as the assistant scout leader.

"Good morning everyone." Steve gave them a proud smile as they gave him unsatisfied looks.

"GOOD MORNING SCOUTS!" Steve yelled, startling everyone and making them stand straighter. "Welcome to Camp Megálo Psári." He added.

"G-good morning Captain Rogers Sir!" Scott and Ned were the most excited ones as they yelled that respond.

"It's scout leader Steve." Steve smiled at them.

Tony, Bruce, Peter, and Harley was still half asleep. Sam, Pietro, and Clint were annoyed. Stephen, T'challa, and MJ didn't even know why they were a part of this shit. Natasha, Wanda, Vision, Shuri, Ned, and Scott were the ones slightly enjoying this experience. Thor and Loki managed to escaped this trip by going home to Asgard luckily.

"Alright, to start our scouting experience- we'll have to make our tents first." Bucky said as he read the manual book for scout explorers. "We'll explain the rest after set up."

I forgot to mention they were already nearby the lake. Don't worry this is totally different from the camping trip they did last time.

"The best tent will receive star points!" Steve added before they all scram to find a place for their tents.

And so everyone started setting up their tents. Let's just hope they're sturdy enough against the wind.

"This doesn't look right." Vision frowned as he watched Wanda and Pietro setting up the tent.

"Tada! Ste- I mean, Scout leader Steve! Check out our tent!" Pietro grinned as he finished up hammering the big nails for the tent to stay up.

"HAHAHAHA IT LOOKS LIKE SHIT!" Clint laughed as him and Natasha finished up their tent. Nat rolled her eyes as she struggled tying the ropes up.

"Hey! it looks awe-" Before Pietro can respond, their tent fell down and got ruined. "-ful..."

"Told you it doesn't look right." Vision sighed.

"Awe man, this is so hard." Wanda pouted and crossed her arms.

"HAHAHAHAHA-" Clint stopped laughing when Natasha threw a stick at him to shut up. "-Ow!"

"Our tent is done!" Everyone turned to look at Scott and Ned who looked proud of their big tent. Surprisingly it looked good and well made. It even had an America flag on it-

"I'm impressed." Steve came up to them and gave them high-fives. Pietro surely rolled his eyes at that.

"We're done too!" Peter said and everyone turned to look at his, Stephen, and Tony's tent. They all awed at the modern looking design of their tent.

So afterwards, they gathered up to listen to Steve and Bucky. Some were shoving each other and mocking each other's tents.

"Quiet down!" Bucky yelled and everyone shut up.

"Alright, thank you Bucky. So for today, our first activity will be fishing. We need fish for dinner and after that we'll be learning how to start fires." Steve said.

The Potato Squad And The Avengers [Oneshot Episodes] V1-2Where stories live. Discover now