LO 🎃 Trick or Treating

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Happy Halloween!

This is a special oneshot so enjoy!

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           It was quiet. It was too quiet. It was like the calm before a storm. The avengers were in the lounge room, relaxing. It was two days before Halloween. It was cold and gloomy and colorful shades of orange leaves were all around outside the headquarters. Most of the team were drinking something hot to warm themselves up while they laugh at each other's jokes.



      Everyone stopped talking when Tony entered the lounge room with a big disappointed face. They all looked at him, waiting for him to rant about his problem. It was fairly normal.

"Pepper cancelled my big yearly Halloween party!" He said out loud so that everyone can hear. He mumbled something while he was getting a mug from the cupboard in the kitchen.

"Aw that's disappointing." Morgan frowned from the couch, she was braiding her barbie doll's hair.

"Damn, isn't that like- one of your biggest fancy parties?" Clint spoke. He had a big blanket wrapped around him, Pietro and Wanda on the left couch.

"It's the party of the year." Natasha smirked from the opposite couch. "All the hottest people attend it." She sipped on her black coffee.

"Yes, yes, including me." Yelena Belova, Natasha's adoptive sister joked with a deep chuckle. She sat beside Natasha with a hot choco drink in hand. She visited early October and now often comes to hang out with the team, mostly for Wanda's delicious desserts but she kept that a secret.

"Why did Pepper cancel it, Tony?" Bruce asked. He sipped on his mug of hot choco with floating marshmallow snowmen.

"Because she's doing this budget thing." Tony shrugged and sipped on his mug of hot black coffee.

"Daddy are we broke?!" Morgan gasped from the couch, she looked worried.

"No! No we're not sweetie- where did you even- you know what, it doesn't matter. Morgan, we're not broke." Tony let out a slight chuckle. Everyone else in the room let out a small laugh as well.

"Oh..okay." Morgan nodded.

"So what are we going to do for Halloween then?" Pietro asked. He took another cookie that Bucky and Wanda had baked.

"Pepper said she'll tell us later–"


"-Or now." Just in time for Pepper to enter the room.

"Hey everybody. I see you are enjoying the quiet morning. So, I bet Tony already told you about the cancellation of the party." Pepper sighed. "Well the reason why we had to cancel it, was because we're doing a different event for Halloween- an even better one."

"Wait, wait, wait. I feel like this involves costumes again." Loki interrupted. He was sitting beside Sam.

"Yes, you're right. It does involve costumes." Pepper smiled and everyone in the room groaned.

The Potato Squad And The Avengers [Oneshot Episodes] V1-2Where stories live. Discover now