"Hey Craig, are you okay with sharing a room with Tweek?" Tolkein asks, right on time.

I turn my head away from the window to give him my I don't care face. "I don't care," I answer.

I can't say this isn't a tiny bit nerve wracking. I don't know this Tweek guy all that well. From what I've heard, he is one strange kid. His family runs the local coffee shop in our town and there are rumors that they force him to taste test everything so often that his resting heart rate is faster than Sonic the Hedgehog him-fucking-self. Some people say he's insane, others just say he has a caffeine addiction. From what I've seen so far, he's kind of just quiet, never doing anything to make himself stand out. In fact, I don't think he's spoken to me once since we were introduced to each other. Heck, I've never seen him utter a word at all since- I don't know...ever? He's just one of those kinds of guys. This isn't really that much of a problem for me anyways. It's not like we are even going to be socializing.

I glance at my soon to be roommate. I catch him glancing back at me and we both quickly avert our eyes from each other. Instead, I look at Butters, who is sitting in the seat next to me. He is preoccupied with flipping through pictures on his camera. He's actually been doing this for like an hour already. I can't tell if he's scared of flying or if he's actually just a freak. Maybe it's neither and in all reality, he's doing something important. It really isn't my business.

"Craig," I hear Tolkein call my name again.

I wasn't paying attention and get a bit startled. "Huh?"

"We all said 'not it' for only one bed, so I hope you're fine with sharing a bed with Tweek."


As if in sync, Tweek and I both yell: "What?!"

I stare at him in total confusion, purposely giving him a dirty look.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" he asks.

I look to Clyde, the one sitting next to Tolkein, for help. He shakes his head which signals to me that he can't do anything about it. I groan.

"Why do we have to share a bed anyways...and isn't this...I don't know- something you should've mentioned before we agreed to go?!" I ask.

Tolkein looks away bashfully, "I kind of forgot actually..." He looks down in shame. "The resort is kind of booked for the season now and only had limited amount of rooms when we made reservations. I was able to get four, thankfully, but one of them just so happened to be a one bed suite."

I sigh, coming to terms with the fact that this situation can't be helped. "Fine."

Clyde smiles. "Look on the bright side, you can finally have a chance to get to know Tweek!"

"Wow...I must be the luckiest kid in the world," I reply.

A/N: He's being sarcastic again.

Literally butt out of my POV.

I squint at the boy across the aisle. He is sitting in the window seat, next to Kenny. He turns his head to look me directly in the eyes, piercing through them with an icy glare. A feeling of eeriness crawls up my spine.

Two Idiots One BedWhere stories live. Discover now