Chapter 45: Hidden Tears

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Hey guys! Thanks for the feedback last chapter! Majority vote was to keep the story as it is! So there will be no change to this fic relationship-wise as I do my editing/rewriting.

Here's a Peter chapter!

Peter was crying.

Or, he felt like he was crying. His chest mimicked the spasming jerk that told him he couldn't breathe right; and the grief and shame that filled his lungs and cleaved his heart in two resembled the rawness of a broken heart, but he couldn't feel the tears. Couldn't hear his own sobs.

But he knew he was crying.

He was only faintly registering the burning hissy fit the symbiotes were throwing, but their rage was inundating all the same. They were gripping their last string, at the very end of their rope, and not even he could do anything to stop their rising fury. Honestly, right now, he didn't even want to. Their angry hisses and growls became background noise to the tide of emotions spilling through his being. It consumed him from the inside out, soaking through his skin and dripping onto the floor. Tears that he couldn't feel.

He'd hurt them.

He hadn't meant to. He didn't want to. But for all the good that did him, it hadn't stopped the symbiotes from shoving their claws into Ben's shoulder or flinging spikes at the team, or even the fight between Flash and his symbiote. He'd hurt them all.

He almost ate Ben.

Peter thought he might throw up. Could feel the bile rising in his throat and his stomach convulsing, but either the symbiotes had enough sense to keep the sickness down, or he simply didn't have the food in his belly to commit such an act, because nothing came up.

They were crawling him through the sewers, somewhere he didn't know and didn't bother trying to figure out. They slunk through shadows and snatched up every rat they could find, but Peter's mind was back up on the streets, reliving every punch, every kick, and bite, snap, claw, and scratch. The faces of his team became the shadows on the walls, so full of horror and pain that it made Peter's stomach lurch again.

He was never going to get over the sickening drop in his belly when he'd seen Miles on the ground with that long red spike protruding from his body. He was never going to unhear the thud and squelch it made when hitting his little body. He could imagine Mile's face twisted into pain, and with each image his brain conjured, the wound was worse and the agony more intense.

Another sob racked Peter's chest and the raw agony he was feeling got wilder, almost violent. Like it was a living creature in his body, tearing through his heart and ribcage with teeth and claws.

If Miles died...

The symbiotes were angry with him. All three of them. He'd fought against their control every step of the way, and hindered them as much as he could in that fight - and it hadn't even been enough to put a dent in the outcome.

But it was enough for them.

They were growling and snapping, coming just short of hurting him.

Or were they already hurting him?

His skin burns most of the time and his body fluctuates with pain so often, he can't be sure anymore. Everything has come to hurt.

Thinking hurts. Breathing hurts. Feeling hurts. Existing hurts.

Please, he found himself projecting onto the other three, to anybody who may be listening, but it was small and weak. No more. Please...

The symbiotes closed around him, squeezing, but they were still growling. Still so angry. Their presence on his mind gets stronger and he can feel them falling over him, pushing on him and forcing him into unconsciousness.

This sparks enough fight in Peter for him to lift his head, but the 'Please,' he tries to get out is much too weak and brittle to move any sympathies. I just..I want to go home...

As darkness overcomes him, he hears their rumbling response echoing through his head.




It's smaller than normal, but it is what it is! Let me know what you think and I hope you enjoyed!

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