Chapter 42: Relieved of Duty

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Hey guys! New chapter! (IMPORTANT A/N AT THE BOTTOM)

There's someone else in the room.

If he were a little more rested and focused, Connors might've noticed the dark figure sitting at the desk sooner. He may have even noticed that the room's defense systems were already deactivated, despite having turned them on before he left. But he came in, hands empty of a coffee - much to his chagrin - rubbing at his face and not bothering to suppress the yawn pushing deep from the back of his throat.

His brain was consumed with thoughts of sleep and how he might be able to catch up on a few hours of shut-eye before getting called in to do more work. He's found Nick Fury's office chair to be surprisingly comfy, having fallen asleep in it several times already, and he didn't feel like descending to the sublevels of the Academy where they roomed the staff and agents who slept on the premises. Besides, this way he could get straight to work as soon as he woke.

As much as the thought made him want to cry, there was always something that needed to be done in this blasted organization.

He was just coming up to the desk, shoulders slumped and eyes already blurry, when someone cleared their throat and he jolted up, jumping back a few steps as his eyes searched for the source.

He found it sitting in Nick Fury's chair.

It took him second more to realize there was someone else leaning against the wall too.

Connors blinked several times and his jaw dropped. He wondered if he'd fallen asleep out in the hall and was in the midst of an incredible dream.

"F-Fury?" he asked, taking a step closer to get a better look at the shadows. He hadn't bothered gesturing for the lights to turn on, but now he pushed the button on the corner of the desk and the ceiling fixtures burst to life.

His retina's burned from the sudden brightness, but there was no mistaking it now.

"Fury!" he sprung forward, the action sharp like there were coils in his heels, and he was already rounding the desk before he realized he didn't know what he planned on doing and paused.

Should he give Fury a hug? Punch him in the throat for being gone so long? Both were dangerous options.

"Dr. Connors," Fury replied, fingers intertwined on his stomach and back leaned into the chair with cool ease. Connors felt like screaming in rage and crying for joy. He went with straightening his spine and shoulders, and clearing his throat.

"S-sir," his voice cracked despite this, "it's really good to have you back."

"Good to be back," Fury sat up in the chair now and gestured loosely to the side. The second of Connor's sudden guests stepped forward.

"Madam Web," he greeted, holding out his hand.

"Dr. Connors," she returned, shaking the offered hand.

Connors could still remember when Fury had taken Madam Web from SHIELD the day Hydra attacked. It was hard to forget the Triscarrier shifting and morphing like technological putty in the hands of a child, right before his very eyes. He'd been in a frenzy trying to make it to the escape pods with the rest of the staff, outrunning and avoiding the Hydra agents swarming the halls - who shot anyone who tried to run and beat down those who surrendered.

He'd been cornered when Nova and Fury appeared. They took care of the Hydra agents quickly and enlisted Connors in their escape. Hydra was there for Madam Web, and they would do anything to get her. So, she needed to vanish.

SHIELD enlisted Madam Web years ago, but given the sheer tantamount of her powers, she was kept a secret from only a select few people. Connors and Fury had been two of them. She'd been kept in a hidden section of the Triscarrier that not even the majority of the SHIELD staff knew about. It was big enough for 1 person to live comfortably but small enough to go unnoticed within the bulk of the air-ship.

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